Mansion Down

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Chris and Melvin shoot straight at the guards. Maggie, Rob and I turn around and walk backwards, covering Chris and Melvin just in case guards come from any direction. All the guards are down by the time we run pass them. We reach the end of the hallway.

I peek from the wall and see that there are guards everywhere and all the guest are scared and running out to the patio as the alarm keeps ringing. We all separate and take different hallways. Robert comes with me as we run straight to the kitchen. Even if I have two guns, I shoot one at a time because the impact of both guns shooting at the same time, will push me back.

"Come down!" Robert says to me as a group of guards round the hallway to the kitchen. We crouch and hide behind a wall inside the kitchen. I break my bracelet and reload one of the clock guns. The other I just leave on the ground, I hand some bullets to Robert, however he is using his submachine, not his clock gun.

"Everything good?" I say through the speaker to the crew. All I hear are gunshots, but I do hear them all say yes. Even Maggie is shooting, which I never thought she knew how to do.

I look at Robert as I hear some guards get closer, they shoot and break pieces of the ceramic in the kitchen. "On my mark." I say as I wait for the guards to get a bit closer. I put down the clock gun and swing the submachine and place it on my hands. I pull back to make sure it is loaded. I hate this, I really do..once I feel them getting close enough. I stand up, Rob behind me...I am waiting to drive past the opponent. I barely whisper a "go" to Rob before we run across the kitchen, to the other side shooting our huge machine guns. We then crouch and hide behind the middle counter. Some guards are still shooting. I stand up and shoot and crouch again. I do this like ten times along with Robert.

One guard remains and I take a class cup I find from inside the the sink cabinet in back of us. I stand up and throw it at the back of his head. I grab my taser and run to him as he falls and and taser him. I catch my breath. Robert comes behind me and places and arm on my shoulder. I turn and hug him. I need to feel human again, because that was not Rosie back there..that was a machine programmed to kill.

"It's okay." He rubs my head. I place my head on his chest and I feel like crying. I hear gunshots in the distance left and right. Is this really happening? "It's not your fault." He says. He then holds my face with his hands.

"I'm a monster. " I say trying not to look at his eyes. After a few moments, we awkwardly make eye contact. Then the impossible happens. Robert reaches down to kiss me. Kiss me? I'm trying to process what he is about to do, It just feels like the wrong time, but I don't have time to think because a familiar voice stops my tracks. Stops the race. Stops my heartbeat..stops the blood flowing in my veins.

"Rosie." Sean says a disappointing look on his face. He is standing in the entry of the kitchen. No it can't be him. I let go of Robert to face Sean. He is so close yet so far away... Right away though, some guards run around the kitchen's exterior to enter. We see them through the many windows. Rob and I run towards Sean.

"It's not what you think!" I scream as I run with Sean and Robert out the kitchen. We shoot here and there at some guards.

"Don't even.." Sean just says. It breaks me inside and kills one of my engines, and I feel like I don't have the enough speed to continue. There aren't enough miles left to race anymore.

"Rosie!" Chris says through the earpiece. He sounds worried..I stop and hide inside the first door I find, a bathroom. Sean and Robert hide in it with me.A bit of awkwardness between us all... "Rosie.!" Chris keeps screaming.

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