Hacking Aid

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"That's impossible!" Chris exclaims as he puts his hands on his head. "What the fuck was Ralph planning with mom."

"Chris calm down!" I scream at him and he sits on the bed, he is angry . "We are all just as confused."

"Theres the same address on all these documents. Ima look it up real quick. There's a doctors name as well." Alice says anxiously. She then grabs Chris's face. "Baby it's okay. I'm down to help you find out what happened. Okay "

"There's a possibility that your mom might be alive..." Maggie says looking carefully at the documents. "Are you following what I'm saying. Rosie. Chris. Your mom can be alive right now." I look up and just close my eyes to let that sink in. Then reality comes crashing my walls of hope down.

"Then why hasn't she looked for us?" Chris says turning to face Maggie.

"Chris is right. Mom would have looked for us." I say.

"What if she has been threatened or something." Maggie says building my walls of hope again. I kinda smile at the thought of mom being alive. This is crazy, I am building possibilities with no evidence. "There is nothing wrong with hope Rosie." I can hear Sean intruding my thoughts. I shake my head and land back in reality-ville.

"Thanks Mags." I say looking at her. "I'm still seriously confused though."

"Okay so I have the address memorized on my phone. This clinic is in Thailand, not to far from where your Mom had the accident." Alice says putting her phone down and organizing the documents on my bed. She puts the ones that we will give to Simmons on one stack and the Thailand ones on the other.

"I don't understand what the hell is going on, but I swear..If Mom is alive, I'm killing him, I swear I'll kill him." Chris says standing up and walking out my room. Alice follows him. I shake my head as Maggie and I hide the documents under my mattress. I am just as confused as Chris, but killing Ralph won't give us answers.

The Next Morning...Two days before the wedding

We managed to convince Ralph that we were going to grab lunch around Malibu when instead, we were meeting up with Simmons. We hop in a white Chevy Suburban 2015 that Chris will drive to a restaurant near the beach. From what we discovered last night, I didn't sleep at all. The thought that Mom might be alive kept me up all night. I can tell it's bothering Chris too because we woke up in the worst mood. It took him a lot to even face Ralph this morning.

We get to the restaurant and find a very 'Malibuish' Simmons. He has a Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and beach hat. We laugh as we approach him. Even Chris, who is in a very bad mood.

"Sarah would be disappointed." Alice says joking about Simmon's clothing selection as she sits.

"Do you have the secret service wearing Hawaiian shirts too?" I ask sarcastically looking around for his security. He takes off his shades.

"Goodmorning to you guys too." Simmons says grinning.

"Here are the papers we have for you." I say giving Simmons the things we were able to capture last night as I sit down. I do not give him the Thailand documents though.

"Hmm." Simmons says studying the documents carefully. "Stealing identities... not a surprise. But now I have the evidence. Very good."

"Your welcome as always." Alice jokes as he keeps observing the paper for a few more minutes. We order the food in the meantime. I decide to eat some chocolate chip pancakes with a side of greek yogurt and granola.

"How are yall preparing for Saturday?" Simmons asks as we eat.

"Alice and Maggie are working on the hacking stuff but it's not enough." Chris says disappointed. He sets down his fork after diving into a mega plate of bacon and hashbrown.

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