The Day of the Wedding

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Two Days Later - Saturday

The day of the wedding

I'm upstairs, in my room, a chaotic room at moment, getting ready for this 'wedding'. There is makeup, and clothes and dresses and all that all over the room. Alice and Maggie are also in my room right now, getting all fancied up.

"I told the makeup artist we needed a break. Now is the time to put all your gear on." Alice says as she reaches out to her bag and gets out the ear devices and all that. I look at myself in the mirror as I turn to get my ear device from my drawer.

I look like the average happy girl with this soft-purple, puffy short dress. No one can realize the pain and the darkness behind the masquerade of my life. We quickly put our ear device and communication stuff on and make sure it's well hidden. We also put on our bracelets, which have some bullets inside just in case we need them to re-load a gun. Sarah got this for us yesterday. We also have our necklaces on that act as laser beams when needed. Our earrings that really don't do anything, I guess they haven't designed a proper way for an agent to use earrings as a weapon or something.

After another hour of makeup and hair, we are finally ready.

"Don't forget your heels." Maggie says taking out the box where my heels are from my closet. Ugh heels. I have never worn heels this tall before. They are like some 6 inches nude heels that look like hell to walk on. I roll my eyes as I sit down on the bed and put them on. I could have just worn flats, especially for all the running we about to do.

"You look so different." Alice says taking her phone out and trying to sneak a picture. I do a move and I kick the phone out her hand with the one foot I had the heel on. "Rosie really?" She screams as she goes to pick it up.

"Let's see if you can walk in them now." Maggie says sarcastically as I finish putting them both on. We are all wearing the same dress color, since we are the "flower girls". Ralph's stupid idea of course. I stand up from the bed and wobble a little. I feel tall and superior and all girly. I do look good I can't deny it.

My thick brown curls are tied into a ponytail, full of volume, making me look taller. I walk around the room a few times just to get used to the heels and I actually get used to them pretty quickly. It's like driving a car, except I'm the wheel now. We thank the makeup people as they grab their stuff and leave.

"I bet you Sean would've wanted to see this." Alice says leaning on the window pane. I give her a look. "Rosie. The a dress with makeup and heels."

I bow my head. If Sean were to see me right now, he would've told me I looked beautiful...

"Sean?" Maggie asks confused. I haven't talked about him to her yet and I don't want to right now. I look at her and shake my head letting her know I don't want to talk about it. She nods in a agreement. After a few minutes of talking to Simmons on the phone and reviewing the plan for the millionth time, we head over to Sasha's room. We reviewed the plan yesterday when we went to see him at the Beach House. That house, he kidnapped and tied the crew, is actually Robert's house by the way.

We walk out the room and walk to Sasha's room. The 4 bridesmaids and some other  people are outside the room, the bridesmaids are wearing darker shade of purple, long dresses. They look glamorous and very pretty.

"She said she wanted to be alone." One of bridesmaids said. I know Sasha feels horrible right now, but I need to let her know about the plan just so that it's clear to her.

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