Dirty Business

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"Nice." Sean says to them. It was actually a good save and it make sense.

"We were actually going to call the company right now. But if you guys can fix it, there is no need for that." A deep voice says as he laughs. It's not Dang Pin, it's someone in charge of the house. I can see him from here.

"Cool. I will go in to fix it right now. Chris call the rest of the crew to check the wires out here." Melvin says to the men. That's our signal to go in. I grab my small gun and slip it inside this bag. A few moments later, I am inside the house walking to the rooftop, obviously I take a different course and search the house for Dang Pin.

"Someone gunpoint the butler guy and ask for Pin." I say through the device. I honestly don't have time to play nice here, we have an objective and we need to act quick.

"On it." Chris says as I round a corner in the second floor. I hear a voice coming from a room, a men's voice. I don't know if it's Pin but I don't care. I grab the gun I placed in my bag and kick the door open of the room. I point my gun at a guy standing in front of his balcony.

"Dang Pin?" I ask as he puts his hands up and nods. He drops his phone. I look at the suitcase on his bed. He was probably getting ready to leave to Ralph's funeral, ha not no more.

"Rosie what the fuck are you doing?" I hear Chris through the device.

"Dude, what the hell?" Melvin says.

"Found Pin guys. Ill walk him down to the living room. Oh and don't question my decisions." I say as I walk up to Pin.

"What do you want??" Pin asks with a heavy accent as I point my gun at his face.

"Answers." I simply say. I walk to be in back of him. "Walk down to the living room." I say and he follows my orders.

In the living room the crew is united along with the butler guy. I tell them both to sit on the couch.

"Who are you kids?" The butler guy says.

"Shh." Alice says pointing her gun at him.

"Listen, before we get to know each other here,  you speak to the cops and we will come back to yank your faces off." Sean says with a bad boy voice. The power a gun gives you is insane. Melvin takes out his computer, I guess he wants to keep hacking.

"Rosie Shaw." I say sitting on the couch across from them with the gun still in my hands.

"Chris Shaw." Chris says standing. Dang Pin looks super shocked and still scared.

"Basically, where the fuck is our mom?" Chris says angry.

"I don't understand-" Pin starts to say.

"Save it doc. Twan told us you were there that night." I say leaning my elbows on my knees. "Now where is she? What happened?"

"I don't know." Pin says and Chris charges his gun. "I'm not scared of you little kids."

"We work for the CIA Doctor Pin so unless you want them to know you work for Ralph in this international drug business and human transportation...." Melvin says still looking at his computer.

"What?" I ask. I didn't know all this, well none of us did.

"Just hacked his credit cards and personal accounts.." Melvin says.

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