Landing in Thailand

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Hours later -

The plane ride was very long. Very exhausting. I tried to talk the whole time just so I didn't have time to stay silent, because when I'm silent I think; and when I think, reality hits me and I start realizing everything that has been happening. Thank god Sean is here though. He told me that Simmons called him the day before the wedding and asked him to join and help on the Mansion Mission.

"I refused at first. I mean, I knew that we didn't want to see eachother least not like that." Sean said. He said that Simmons basically forced him.

"Does your family know? You know about working for the CIA and stuff?" I asked him at some point during the plane ride.

"No. But Alice, Melvin and I have been planning to drop the cards after Thailand."

We then started talking about all the memories we have made together and all the ones we will continue to make. I know he is lowkey still mad about the whole Rob situation, but during these hours, we talked and we picked up from where we left off.

It's unusual for me to feel like there is a reason to live. In boarding school, you are alone all the time. Physically you had people all around you, but mentally you were just alone. Some kids would find themselves and become a great people, and many did at boarding school, but I being the outlier, never found a purpose to life.

I look around me now and I have all these people I care about. I am truly blessed. I never had a real family and to have it now, it means so much.

Chris was silent the whole plane ride. After what happened today, we haven't spoken at all. I know I need to have a deep down conversation with him. He is Chris, the bipolar ol' Chris.

We are walking out the plane and a warm air hits my face. After all those hours sitting down, it's great to feel like this. A different country. A different atmosphere. Rosie is here, living her purpose.

"Touchdown Bangkok, Thailand!" Alice says recoding all of us with her phone. "The crew is here assembled!" She says bringing the camera to my face.
"Any words to your fans."

I look at the camera and smile. "Thank you all my fans. We are ready to blow shit up,Thailand edition." I say and we all make obnoxious, happy noises.

"This is surreal." Melvin says snatching the camera away from Alice. They then start to fight for it.The people around us start to look like always, but we don't care.

"It's good to get away from home." Sean says holding my hand. "With you across the world and back." He says and I kiss him as we walk down the airplane's steps. When we reach the bottom we go inside the airport and do all the checking and stuff. We pick up our luggage and walk to wait for a cab ride.

"So Simmons got us like this private hotel, here in Bangkok." I say reading the text message Simmons sent out.

"We are special."Alice says recording everything she sees. Chris has his hoodie over his head and has headphones on. He looks like the typical antisocial teen. We hop in two different taxi cars since we have all this luggage. I been trying to talk to Chris, but it's very chaotic at the moment so I will wait until we are alone.

We get to the hotel which is in front of the beach, and we are treated like royalty. Alice was right, we are special.

Hours Later

"The food is amazing." I say to Chris who is staring at the ocean from the hallway outside his room. I stand next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. The latenight moonshine is starting to watch over the Ocean. We had a chaotic day. We go got to the hotel earlier, we slept and we ate. This is the only quiet time.

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