External Freedom

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We get to Chris's house to find all his cars parked outside. The house looks amazing, everything looks like we left it a month ago. The men help us with our luggage; they take it inside the house and then leave.

"Feels so good to be back home." Chris says dropping his stuff and heading to the kitchen. Alice follows him. I drop everything and lay down on the couch. Sean takes our luggage upstairs with help from Melvin. I lay down for a second to take in what will happen in the next few days; we will got to New Mexico and find that guy and then gather some clues to finally find mom. I hope that things go that way...

"Baby? You tired?" Sean says coming down the stairs and laying next to me. I tell him I feel fine. I suddenly realize Sean lives down the street and that his family is probably going nuts after he walked out on them a few days ago. He told me on our way to Thailand, that he told his family he was following the girl he loved to LA. One night he packed his stuff and just left. He left them a note telling them he was going to come back once he found me...Now he has me, now it's time to talk to them.

"You have to talk to your parents." I say standing up and looking at Sean.

"What? Now?" Sean says, confused. He tries not to look at my face. "Its six in the morning Rosie...lets wait until later."

"Sean. You have to tell them the truth. Just like Alice and Melvin will tell their families everything." I say walking to be in front of a window.

"And I will. Just later...." Sean says standing up and walking to hug me from behind. He kisses my cheek.

"You better." I say suddenly becoming soft and protected in his arms.

"You love me?" Sean whispers and I grin.

"I love you." I say realizing how comfortable I am saying these words. He just has this magic to trap me...

A few hours later-
I wake up realizing Sean and I fell asleep on the couch along with Melvin on the other couch. As soon as I wake up, I go upstairs to take a cold shower and get ready to accompany Sean and talk to his family. We all decided to be supportive, so the whole crew will come along with Sean and I to reveal all these secrets to his family.

"Hurry up ya'll. We have limited time. Flight is booked for New Mexico already." Melvin says while we make our way downstairs.

"What time?" I ask stopping to look at the mirror next to the stairs, making sure my hair looks good . I decided to just go with it straight for today.

"It's tomorrow at 6pm. We leave from Atlanta, Georgia to Albuquerque, New Mexico." Melvin says opening the front door. "2 hour flight, and then we will drive to Deming." I nod, Sean comes downstairs.

"More airplanes?" He says whining. 

"Aye, at least it ain't a twenty four hour flight like our recent flight .." Alice says as she peals a banana. We then walk out the house towards Sean's house.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Sean while we walk.

"Not really...They just won't believe me." Sean says playfully flicking his finger on my nose.

"That's why the whole crew came out." Melvin says rubbing Sean's head in a bro type way.  We walk a few more feet to reach Sean's house. He gets his keys and opens the entrance gates so that we can all walk through.

Miles Per Hour 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora