Not ready to forgive

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The next day - After Sasha's funeral

I didn't cry. I promised not to cry. Not because I wanted to be tough, but because I know Sasha is in a better place. Last night though, after the crew meeting, I let out all this rage and I cried without stopping. I cried because of Sasha, because of Mom and the possibility of her being alive. I cried because a deep part of me wants Deckard to be here right now...

"Well this is where we part and take different directions." Maggie says, her eyes puffy from crying. We walk together to the parking lot. Finding black funeral clothes was not hard since this is all we practically own from the mission days in Europe. After the chaotic wedding day, Sarah made sure to pack our clothes and personal belongings up. They were brought to us yesterday.

Reaching the parking lot, we find the black Cadillac Escalades parked. The FBI drove us down here to the funeral, along with Sarah, Simmons is nowhere to be found. I don't remember seeing him yesterday or the day before after all the chaos. Maggie says goodbye to all of us as she climbs inside one of the escalades. Melvin can't seem to let go of Maggie, he promised to see her once he got back from Thailand though. I see that Robert is about to hop inside another escalade and I ask to speak with him. I let go of Sean's grip and walk up to talk to him.

"I guess your prince showed up to ruin my moment yesterday." Robert says shaking his head and smirking. I try not to smile. "Look Rosie. I can't deny my feelings for you. You are probably the toughest girl I've ever seen."

"Rob stop-" I say trying to actually make him stop saying these things. "I'm sorry if I ever led you on.."

"No it's nothing. You just reminded me of her..." He says and I shake my head in confusion. Remind him of who? "Your cousin..Eve." I grimace when I hear her name. We still aren't in the best terms. She was just a storm of confusion.

"Oh her. What do you know about her?" I ask just to be curious. Why didn't he tell me this before?

"She came here every summer. Ralph loved her and spoiled her to the max. She also cares about him too." He says and I listen tentatively; Eve will not be very happy when she finds out Ralph is dead and Owen in jail. "I know what you are thinking. And all I can say, is be careful. She is a full blooded shaw with no feelings....but then again, I fell in love with her."

I'm in shock after he says that. Then why did he try to kiss me? I wonder if Eve loved him back; she was so confusing, I never understood how her personality worked

"So why did you try to kiss me?" I ask. I meant to ask him yesterday, but we were all not in the mood.

"I don't know, it felt...right. But, now that I think about it, no, it wasn't right and I apologize." Rob says and I tell him I forgive him.

Robert then hops in one of the Cadillac Escalades, says goodbye, and speeds off. I walk back to go to the crew and fill them in on what Robert had told me.

"No effin way." Melvin says cracking up."So he fell in love with Eve. Cruella de Eve??!" I give off a small smile. I try not to laugh, we have just gotten out of a burial  session, I don't want to be rude.

"Hello Children. " Simmons says finally showing up. He was at the funeral for like two seconds and then left. "Flight at 6 PM so make your way to the airport in like two hours. I didn't get a chance to thank you all for the fabulous job you did yesterday. I know the loss of your friend Sasha was tough and as an agent of many years, I've lost a lot of friends like that. It's tough, very tough." Simmons says as he almost gets emotional. "For what you did though, the FBI and CIA have pardoned any civil cases or criminal cases any of yall ever had. You are all, as well as your families, protected by federal authorities. And you will each get a payed a little less of half a million dollars. I already gave the check to Maggie and Robert."

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