La Sangre

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The Next Day-

"Hey. Where you been?" I ask Robert as I hop off the purple mustang. I woke up today, went to eat with Melvin, and then I drove for the rest of the afternoon. I just rode around, got to know a little bit more of Ascension.

"Places. Driving is therapeutic." I say nonchalantly.  Rob nods as we stay outside for a while. I tell him about  Eve and her problems; he says he has been trying to help her but nothing works. We somehow end up the long conversation talking about Alice and Chris. He also disagrees with my decision to meet with La Sangre which I of course am going to do no matter who says anything.

"Well, at least let us come with you." Robert says as I walk inside the motel.

"Can yall please let me do this alone?" I say as I keep walking to to reach the stairs. Melvin is sitting in one of the couches on his computer. He looks up and then quickly looks down again.

"I guess. But Simmons will get mad." Robert says sitting down next to Melvin.

Felix told me to meet up with him in a couple of minutes, so before I leave, I will talk to Sean. I haven't seen him all day today. I texted him but no response, I guess he is mad at me for meeting up with La Sangre.

I walk up to his room, the one he shares with Melvin, and knock on it lightly. The door is open, but there is no one inside. I walk back out. There can only be one place he's in, and I am not going to like this. I walk to Eve's room.

"I just can't anymore..." I hear Eve say in between sobs. I eavesdrop for a bit hearing her whine about her life.

"It's okay Eve. Listen, you are beautiful." Sean says and I really want to barge in and smack the shit out of him and her."You need to stop doing all this damage to yourself."

I can't believe Sean ignores me all night yesterday and all day today to be with Eve. I know she needs help, but Robert, Melvin and Maggie have offered to help her. How about me? My brother and my friend have been kidnapped, I am going crazy little by little. Where is my help?

"I know Sean. You are so sweet thank you." Eve says and that's all it take for the jealous nerve to be pulled. I kick the door fiercely with my foot and find him hugging her. The break away and look up surprisingly.

"Rosie, it's not what you think." Sean says standing up quickly and making his way to be in front of me. I just shake my head.

"Really? It's not what I think!" I say sarcastically. "My boyfriend ignores me all day to be helping my cousin."

"She needs help, you don't understand." Sean says trying to calm me.

"We all need help." I say shifting my gaze from him to Eve. "You just need to fucking learn how to not cry about it so much. Like what the fuck Eve? Simmons sent you to help not for you to be drowning in pain." Eve looks away and I know I hurt her in some way.

"Rosie!" Sean says with a warning tone in his voice. "When will you learn compassion? We know Chris and Alice have been kidnapped, we all are worried. I was just trying to help her for god's sake." He did not just pull that tone on me.

I stay silent for a minute. I look at him. "And when the fuck where you going to help me?" And with that I make my way out the room, storming past Nina and the crew who have crowded at the door.

"Rosie." I hear Sean following me. I need to get out of here fast. I walk to my bedroom and grab a backpack.

"I didn't mean it." He says as I put some clothes and shoes inside my backpack, quick.

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