Eve's Crisis

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"You mean the devil?" Felix says and I look back at the crew, he has this hateful look in eyes. He stops when one of the guest in the motel walks down the stairs and exits the motel. Then he proceeds. "He has taken and killed so many around town."  He shakes his head and Teresa holds on to him and looks down. Felix has this sad look in his eyes. After a moment, he proceeds. "Including my father."

I close my eyes in pain and shake my head. I hate Ralph, it's official, I hate him.

"I'm sorry." I say because god, why do I share blood with that men?

"Why do you ask though? Do you know him?" Felix asks and I swallow really hard. How do I tell him Ralph is my grandfather? I look at him in the eye and I slowly nod.

"It's not what you think." Sean says after Felix shakes his head in disgust. Maggie also tries to make him understand.

"No it is what I think. Who are you planning to kill next? Did that men, sent you to kill the rest of us?" Felix says desperately. He lets go of Maggie's grip. She walks away from him in pain. Teresa tries to calm Felix down along with Nani.

"No. No listen!" I say trying to calm him down. "You don't know what you are saying!" I yell.

"We know you don't understand, but listen to us."  Melvin says. "We work with the CIA. Why would we ally with Ralph Shaw?"

"Then how do you know him?" He asks and I have to speak up.

"Because, that's...He is my, uh Grandfather. Well was." I say and I swallow really hard again.

"A la chingada(Fuck this)." Felix says as he walks away, exits the motel and slams the door shut. Teresa goes after him."

Great, now we lost the person who helped us so much. It's been two days, but I know it's definitely time to go. I look at the crew and they know we have to leave.

"Nani, tell Felix that we are sorry, please." Maggie says apologetic.

"Yeah, and tell him that Ralph is dead." Rob says with an iced bag on his eye. Nani gasps. "The kid probably hates me, but at least the person that killed his father, is long gone."

"He's dead? H-how you know?" Nani asks confused.

"Because we were there that day. We planned everything to capture him that day. The day of his wedding." Sean says and the wedding brings me back memories of Sasha. I can't sleep still, every time I try, I get nightmares of that day. Can't believe that was some days ago.

"Really?" Nani says and I nod.

"Don't worry about us, we are leaving tonight." I say as the crew starts to disorganize and head upstairs. Eve and Sean help Rob up the stairs.

"What? No." Nani says standing up. "You can't leave."

I look at her and tell her that we have to go. The whole town is going to find out sooner or later that I am Ralph's granddaughter, and we can't give them details of us working for the CIA.

"Thank you for everything Nani, we appreciate it." I say as I start to head upstairs.

"Rosie, think about it. Where are you going to go?" Nani says and I tell her we always find a way. But then it hits me, where are we going to go? We are in this town, where Ralph had his business, before I leave I need to find out where that business is, someone has to know. Maybe this can lead to Chris and Alice.

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