Back To Druid Hills part 2

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The music, the cars,  and the aroma. It feels so good to be home. We hop out of our cars as a squad, and we dramatically make our way to join Sia and the racers.

"Guys. Rosie and Alice are back in town!" Sia calls out to the group of racers that surround us. They all go crazy as they clap. We were missed I see. I smile and wave. The old Rosie would have a straight face, but this Rosie is truly appreciative and genuinely happy.

"Oh, so ya'll get a shout out?" Melvin says with a grimace. Someone is jealous.

"...Along with their race crew. The ol' Melvin." Sia says, continuing after the clapping dies down. After the racers see Melvin, they break out cheering. Melvin was one of the best racers in Druid Hills, it is only fair that they receive him like this.

"Aye Melvin welcome back bro." "We thought you'd never come back to visit your peoples." "Where you been?" The racers say as they greet Melvin. Melvin smiles and greets them back.

"I'll like to introduce Chris, who some may know and their friend Maggie." Sia finishes as things start to get settled again. The music is way too loud, so I can barely hear Maggie when she tries to talk.

"I don't have to actually race right?" Maggie says.

"No don't worry." I say and her expression changes to be more calm. "I mean...I make no promises." I say and she punches me in the arm.

"Want to blow?" Leroy says as he offers us a rolled blunt.

"No bro. I don't do that anymore." I say looking away.

"Anymore?" Sean asks.

"Yeah. I used to smoke...But that was in the past." I say thinking of all the times I turned to drinking and drugs as pain relievers. I did it to be cool sometimes, but then I started to be dependent on it and I made the decision to stop. Thank god I stopped.

"I can't lie. We all have turned to things to let go of pain...Your brother used to smoke too." Sean says and I know he understands where we all come from. We are teenagers and we make mistakes. "I can't lie and say I didn't join him."

"But that stays in the past. We are different people." I say as he kisses my forehead and then the tip of my nose. We then get ready to do what we came here for, to race. I know this is off limits, and I know Simmons will find out, but I like getting trouble; Its how I lived all my life.

"Okay, we are waiting for the kids from Bricks Hill to arrive and we will start. We need to win against these fuckers." Sia says to Alice and I.

"They are still trying to race against us ?" Alice asks with a stern expression.

"Always." Leroy says and I know he feels horrible knowing the girl of his dreams goes out with my brother. He has liked Alice for as long as I can remember. Ever since Military Academy days.

We wait for a while as the Brick Hills teens drive to meet us. They all step out looking like they run shit, not no more. The CIA race crew is in town.

"Two teams. Druid and Brick Hills." Sia says standing between us and the Brick teens. "Two rounds. Pick your racers. The price is 2 grand.."

And so it goes like always.

In the first round, one of the racers from our team, Melvin,  races against some 19 year old girl. He drives a Mazda Rx7 with a  horsepower of 225. The girl has a Toyota supra 2006 with a horsepower of 200. Of course Melvin wins.

Round two: I race against another girl, however she is much younger. I drive the blue Chevy Camaro Sia got for me when I landed here in Atlanta. The car has a low horsepower compared to the amount of horsepower the girl's Nissan has. It preoccupies me, but I still manage to win by like a second.

The Brick hills kids go nuts of course.

"Not fair!! She missed the line!" One screams. I am a fair racer, and I know I got to that line before the other girl...

-Hours Later: After Party-

"So you have a younger sister?" I ask Maggie who is dancing along to the booming music. All the racers from Druid Hills are here tonight celebrating our victory.

"Yeah, Samantha. She is 8 and is back home with Mom. She was in LA some months ago when Dad was in the hospital." Maggie continues as I sip from a drink Sean prepared for me. I spy Melvin and Sia cranking it up in the dance floor. Maggie seems not to care, I mean she has been dancing with some other guys all night. I thought these two had something?

"Hey hey hey!" A drunk Chris says making his away across the crowded house. He wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"Chris.." I say as I snatch his drink and give him a dead stare. "Enough. Go upstairs now." I feel like his mom, but he acts like a child when he drinks.

"Party pooper." He says as he stomps his way upstairs. He is safer up there than down here.

"Having fun?" Sean says coming up behind me and hugging my waist.

"Yes." I say as he kisses my neck.

"Want to take a trip upstairs?" He whispers and I giggle. I turn around to face him and nod. Then you know...We go upstairs to my room and do what young drunk teens do at parties.


The Next Day

I wake up hearing all this yelling coming from downstairs. Sean also wakes up and gives me a confused look.

"Alice and Chris." Sean whispers and I give him a terrified look. They have never argued before so this is a surprise for me and everyone. We quickly get changed and fix ourselves before entering this combat zone. We walk downstairs to find Melvin sitting down on the couch next to Maggie while Chris and Alice continuously yell.

"...The only reason I don't pack my shit this moment is because of Rosie!" Alice screams. She looks at me with puffy red eyes. I walk to her. I then look around the house, and man is it trashed. The cleaning services should be here any minute now.

"I'm not asking you to leave, what the fuck man?" Chris says in a furious tone.

"Well what the hell is happening?" I say hugging Alice. I then turn to look at Chris.

"Happens that Alice was getting all flirty with Leroy yesterday.." Chris says rolling his eyes.

"Really Chris? First of all we were not flirting...Second of all, why don't you tell your sister you slept with some girl last night huh?" I am shocked and betrayed. I try to free from Alice to slap Chris.

"Chris what the fuck, you jerk!!" I say about to really fuck his face up, thank god Alice holds me back.

"It didn't happen like that!" Chris says.

"Oh really?!" Alice says.

"If you could only  let me explain myself!...." Chris says sitting down on the stairs.

"Ya'll will not get anywhere with all this screaming." Melvin says as he stands up from the couch.

"I agree." Sean says and I nod. We then all calm down, and act like civilized people. Chris goes on to explain that last night after seeing Alice and Leroy talking, he got jealous, and that only happened because he was so drunk. He went upstairs to sleep. He says he doesn't remember anything and that he doesn't know who the girl was or how she ended up in his bed, but as Melvin witnessed, they were both clothed and there was no evidence of anything happening between them.

"Wheres this chick at?" I ask, leaning on the stair stool. Chris explains that this morning, once Alice walked in the room, she got hysterical and literally dragged the girl out the house. But hey, I would too if I found a random girl in my boyfriend's bed. Even after talking and setting things, Alice is still mad at Chris and they are on a mini break. Chris is obviously depressed but understands why she wants a break.

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