Turning Point

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The Next Day

"According to the coordinates...It should be here." Alice says looking at her phone while keeping her hands on her steering wheel. I look at her and then I look around me/ I don't know why I insisted on coming yesterday night, something was just telling me to come and at least breathe the same air mom once breathed. It really is a confusing feeling, when you spend your life wishing to come to a place that you know will bring you pain.

We leave the cars parked and walk on this hill. I look around as I step out the car. The cars were provided by the resort, I guess Simmons hooked us up with some bad ass cars. Even if he doesn't admit it, he will low key always support us with our racing, outside the US of course.\

I look around to see nothing but trees and the disperse street we are on. Sean comes by my side and puts an arm around my shoulders. I look at him and nod, he knows I must be feeling confused as hell right now. My feelings cannot seem to find a stable emotion. I watch as Chris leaves our side and walks to the edge of the hill and looks down, and then looks up again. Melvin and Alice stay back and after a while, Sean joins them because I walk over to Chris who is in a squat position with his head bowed down. I reach down and hug his head and I start tearing up internally.

"I would give anything to know she is not dead." I say catching a tear rolling down my cheek. I look down at the hill my mom supposedly lost her life. There are only trees and bushes and the sound of birds chirping here and there. Their sweet voice filling this empty whole in my soul.

"We need answers before I loose it.." Chris says looking up at me, his eyes red like he wants to cry but he can't. I let go of him and stare back down at the hill.

"I think we already did." I say and shake my head. "This is all so confusing."

"But look." Chris says standing up and looking back at the crew. "At least we are not alone anymore."

"I know." I say looking back and looking at our friends who have been through it all with us in this past month. Why stop now ?

"All ready?" Melvin asks as Chris and I walk back. I nod as I walk back to my car. Simmons really hooked us up with BMW's, Audi's, and these other brands. I picked one of my favorite car brands, Audi. It's a white R8 that runs as fast as the beat of my heart right now. I'm having a hard time thinking, since I barely slept last night; the nightmares just don't stop. The two situations with the hospital back in the UK and Sasha's murder really have messed up my head.

I don't know what will happen once we enter that hospital, but whatever it is, I'm getting my mindset ready at least for some minutes.

Minutes later-

We all enter the hospital and walk to the front desk. Everyone, of course, looks at us like we are some aliens. I mean it's weird to see a crew of foreigners walking in with a mean face on and everything. It just feels like we are walking in slow motion when we all walk together, like in the action movies.

"We are looking for whoever made these documents." I say to a young receptionist as I place the documents in her hand. She looks at us confused probably because we are Americans and because we are so young.

"This was long time ago." She says with a heavy accent. She scans the documents carefully. She has a fearful look in her eyes. I want to tell her that we don't bite but that will just be straight up weird to say at an opportune moment.

"Was anyone who works here working at that time?" Alice says stepping up to be next to me since the receptionist was taking a long time reading over the documents.

"Let me go check. You stay here." The receptionist says looking at us quickly as she stands up and walks out to a hallway. The hospital is not that big at all. It is close to the US embassy building so I'm guessing that's why the receptionist knew English.

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