Old Friend

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I get to my room super exhausted from today. All the rehearsing and the commotion just gets annoying after a while: I just want this wedding over with, to be honest. I lay down on my bed for a while and feel my mind finally drifting to a peaceful state of a calming, soothing sleep. However, Sasha barges in my room and destroys my meditation.

"What is it now?" I whine as I sit up and throw my pillow at her playing around. Sasha jokes back as she throws a pillow at my face.

"Well what bee bit you?" She says as she sits down at the end of the bed. I tell her that I'm just over this wedding stuff already. "No one is more exhausted than me hunny, believe that."

"I can imagine...your family seems very nice." I met some of them while they were getting settled around the house. Of course, they all seemed happy and joyful; their daughter was marrying a billionaire. If only they knew all the dirty work behind all the money.

"Yeah, they love Ralph, they think he is the most amazing person in the world-" Sasha starts tearing up. It's true, her family was very excited to greet Ralph, to bad he had to leave to a 'business trip'. "I hate having to act happy in front of everyone, when in fact, I'm the most miserable human being right now." I look at her with a sad expression. I crawl to end of the bed where she is to give her a hug so that she knows I understand. I then tell her about Saturday and what the CIA/FBI has been planning and how it involves all of us. Simmons didn't want me to tell Sasha, but I feel as like she has to be aware of what will happen, who knows, maybe she can help.

"How do you guys plan to do all this...Rosie, the basement is probably the most secure place ever. Ralph has security everywhere." Sasha says a warning look in her eyes.

"I know know. But Saturday is the only day that most security will be up here, paying attention to the wedding and all..."

"I don't know about this Rosie, but, those people you work with, they know what they're doing." Sasha smiles a bit. "I'm more than happy to help."

"Thanks, I knew-" I start to say but my phone rings on top of a table, next to my bed.I crawl out of bed to pick it up. It's Melvin. It's almost 10:30 PM, and I know why he's calling. "Hello, What you want? 11:30 remember?"

"Okay, I know that malice...We are getting ready to leave, and we got in contact with the Asians, you know the ones that have those bomb ass cars?"

"Yeah, Okay." I listen attentively.

"Okay, so they will let us burrow their cars...they are in a parking lot not far from here." I nod even though he can't see it.

"Tell Chris to get two cars ready, we are sneaking out in a few-" I say and turn to face Sasha who has frightened expression on her face.

"Sneaking out? You are nuts..." She whispers as she shakes her head. I gave her a 'I know we are nuts' look

"Alright, so You, Alice, Chris, Rob, Maggie and I?" Melvin says.

"Yes. I'll go get Maggie and we will be down there. Y'all are outside?"

"Alice and I are. Chris is inside. But hurry..."

"Alright, alright..Bye." I say dropping my phone on the bed and running to the walk-in closet to put some sneakers on. I also grab a sweater. Sasha is doing her best to convince me to not sneak out. Eventually, I get my way like always.

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