From Marriage to Future- Calum

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ALL Creds to : lukesboner96

"You know, last night huh?" Calum said, walking in.
"What is with it?" I asked him.
"It was fucking amazing." He said kissing my collarbone, going up to my neck, to my cheek and last my lips. I was standing in the kitchen of our new house.
Last night was our honeymoon night, well, honeymoon... Not really. Since Calum was in a band, we weren't able to have an actual honeymoon, but he told me he did have a small surprise. And that 'small' surprise was this house. In the past few days that the boys had been home, they had been working on this house with every one of their families. They decorated it and went buying all of the stuff you'd need. Things as food, and cookware, all the stuff for the bathroom, literally everything, all the details, just to make sure it was a proper house.
Calum and I married at the beach yesterday. We both didn't want a traditional wedding. So, Calum wore a white shirt with a tie and his usual black skinny's. I was wearing a long black, lined dress, a long neckless, and my hair was curled and tied up. No one was wearing shoes. It was a small wedding, the boys and their families were there, we invited some of mine and his friends, and his family was there. I had to miss mine cause they lived in America and my mum was highly pregnant so they weren't able to come.
We made our own vows, we first read them to each other. Calum cried at mine and so I did at his. Then Mali made us say "I do" and we were married. We had a nice beach party after and around 11pm Calum and I left. It wasn't much special but for us it was the best day of our lives.
Calum took me to his car and told me to close my eyes. When we arrived at the place, he took me out of the car and dragged me into wherever we went inside of. He put me down on my feet and told me to open my eyes.
"This is the place I want us to have kids, you know, have a future." He said, near crying.
My eyes widened at how beautiful and big the house was. We had a big livingroom with an open kitchen. It took me a while to realize it all. I turned to Calum and kissed him.
After that we had some amazing honeymoon sex and went to sleep right after.
"What are you thinking of?" Calum asked, standing closely behind me.
"Just about how amazing yesterday was." I said, turning around and looking in his eyes.
"Do you really like it here ?" He asked.
"I love it here Calum, and I love you even more." I said kissing his nose.
"I am so glad I can finally call you Mrs. Hood." He said. His smile bigger than ever. "Now let's hope that there is a cute little baby Hood starting to grow inside your amazing tummy." He said his eyes shining.
"Yeah, let's hope so, but we might have to try a couple more times." I said winking at him, before taking the two plates with homemade breakfast from behind me and placing it on the table.
"Well Mr. Hood, breakfast is ready." I said.
"Can't wait to wake up to this every single day." He said.
We both sat down and ate our breakfast. We were quiet most of the time since we were still a bit tired of last night.
"What do you wanna do today?" I asked Calum.
"Well I was just hoping we could stay home and maybe cuddle and watch some old Disney movies?" He asked.
"Sounds perfect to me." I said, smiling at my husband.
After breakfast we both set our plate on the counter and walked to the livingroom and laid down. He put in "The little mermaid", got us something to drink and laid down behind me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me and snuzzled his face in my neck, softly blowing some air onto my skin.
"I love you so so much Y/N Hood." He said, softly kissing my temple.
*4 years later*
"Daddy daddy!!" Kayla yelled, when she saw her dad standing in the opening of the door. She hopped off the couch and ran over to him. Calum kneeled down and picked her up in one swift movement. Kayla wrapped her tiny arms tightly around his neck.
"Hello there little princess." Calum said to her. I stood up from the couch too and walked over to the two of them.
"And hello to you too, my beautiful wife." He said, kissing me. "How are you two doing?"
"Daddy we are very happy, wanna know why?" Kayla said, her big brown eyes shining.
"Tell me princess."
"Because you're back." She whispered in his ear, smirking just like her father. "Oh daddy?"
"Yes darling?"
"Is it okay if mummy goes cooking and we go play with my new dolls?" She asked him. Calum gave me a short glance to ask me of that was okay.
"Well mummy is going to cook yes and you go show daddy your new dolls." I said.
Calum walked upstairs with Kayla still in his arms.
I was getting dinner ready when I heard Kayla scream and laugh really loud, right after her I heard Calum growl and I heard his footsteps following hers. Shortly after that I heard her laugh really loud, it was the same laugh as her father.
The laughing continued until I called them down for dinner. They made a game of who was down first and ofcourse Kayla won.
"What do we have for dinner mummy?"
"I made veggies with beef and rice darling." I said, helping her sit down in her chair.
Calum sat down opposite of me.
Everyone ate their food and Calum told all the funny stories of tour and how happy he was to be back home. We decided to visit grandma and grandpa tomorrow.
"Cal.. I have to tell you something."
"No mummy, we." Kayla corrected me.
"We have to tell you something." I said.
"Uh, I am kinda scared now." Calum said, looking at both of us.
"Daddy don't be silly." Kayla laughed at him. She stood up from her seat and ran over to the drawer in the counter. She opened it and took 3 small square shaped, photo's out of it. She ran back over to Calum and stood next to his chair.
"Close your eyes." She said sternly. He did what she said.
"Hands up." She ordered him. He flattened his hands and pulled them down to her height.
Kayla took the photos and laid them in his hands. She stepped back and sat back in her chair.
"Daddy open your eyes!!" She yelled.
Calum opened his eyes and looked at the photos in his hands. His eyes widened. He took them in one hand and moved it closer to his eyes. He looked away from it, and looked at me.
"Are you?" He asked.
"Yeah I am, I am 16 weeks due already." I said looking at him.
"Oh my.." He said, loss of words.
"Yes I can see that darling." He said, still a bit shocked.
He looked at what was written under it.
"Thomas Hood?" He asked. "Is it a boy?"
"Yes it is, you're gonna have a baby boy Cal." I said smiling. He stood up and hugged me, after that he kissed me.
"Hey me too!" Kayla yelled, standing up from her chair and claiming me and her father.
"I love you two so so much." Calum said, kissing both of our foreheads.

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