Chapter 22

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Dipper's POV

I was still shocked at Bree's story. I was angry though, when she talked about that boy she got this dreamy look in her eyes. Ok...I know I have to stop getting jealous, but with Jace gone and Bree staying (most likely) with us forever, it was meant to be! Except the sister part. That might be complicated. You know... you can't just say "Hey mom, dad, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend, we've dating for a month sister." Dun dun DUUUHHH! See, that's how I see it... I might just have to roll with what I said to Bill, find another girl...maybe.

We walked back home, still haunted by the tale, and entered the shack silently. Gruncle Stan sat on his chair asleep and snoring loudly. We tip-toed up stairs and into our rooms. I wanted to finish off my notes in my journal, but Mabel and Bree were in the room so I had to be sneaky. Bree said she would be right back before she ran down stairs and Mabel was looking for something in her bed.

Ok. Get the book. I quickly looked under my bed and almost gasped when I didn't see it in it's place. Where is it?! I frantically looked around when I saw it at the farther end of my bed. Why was it- Mabel! Oh God, no. I grabbed the box and stood up angrily.

"Mabel! Were you messing with my-my stuff?!" I asked angrily.

Mabel pulled her head out from under the covers. "What are-" She broke off when she saw the box. "Oh, um..."

"MABEL!" I exclaimed as terror flooded over me. "Why did you mess with it?!" I was only screaming, because I was scared she had read my notes...

"I was just having fun." Mabel said as she played with her hair.

"Mabel did-"

The door opened and Bree stepped in. "Hey, I was wonder-" She paused. "Um." She flushed and I did too. Oh man...they did read the notes. No, maybe she was embarrassed to have walked in on us arguing.

I threw the box under my pillow and sat on the edge of my bed as sweat dripped down my face.

Bree didn't look at me. "Why were you guys fighting?" She asked.

Mabel blushed and gave a guilty smile. "Secret box..." She murmured and Bree tensed up and he face became bright pink and I began to blush uncontrollably. Dammit.

Bree turned to me. "Look, Dipper, I-I, um, Mabel had found it and-"

"You guys read it." I said quietly.

Bree bit her lip and she stared at me and I glanced away. "Of course you did..." I sighed.

"Dipper, it's ok-"

"No..." I interrupted Bree. "Those were my secrets!" I exclaimed as my face was burning. I flopped down onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow.

Bree sat down beside me. "I'm sorry."

I batted her away. "Go away." I mumbled in embarrassment.  

Bree patted my shoulder. "Sorry for snooping Dip." I still could feel my face burning. When I didn't respond she got up and decided to spend time with Mabel. Once they were out of the room I lifted my face out of the pillow and looked over at the calendar. The end of the summer was closer than I could imagine...I had to try to either win her heart or push her away before I returned and she became my sister. Then again, she wouldn't be my biological sister, so it wouldn't be too messed up. She wouldn't understand the whole with brother-sister stuff...right? I shook my head. This was crazy. Hm...Bree Pines. That sounded nice. She'd make a nice Pines. I sighed and lightly slapped my face.

"Wake up Dipper, you can't like your future sister..." I bowed my head. "I'm so crazy. I even sound crazy." I pulled out my journal and flipped it open to the last note. Right before Bree returned covered in blood, thankfully it was just her blood. I was glad she was human, she looked good human, even though she still had slightly pointed teeth. I stared down at the note and then slammed the journal close. I couldn't even write my feelings down, because they would read it. That was embarrassing. Stupid Mabel...why did she have to always go through my stuff.

I looked over at her empty bed. But what would I ever do without her? I needed Mabel, we were twins, inseparable, but then again, Gravity Falls and all it's mysteries were a part of me. And I would end up having to live without it for a long time. What, was Bree just a souvenir from Gravity Falls? Who knows... I reluctantly opened up the journal and wrote down everything, including Bree's story. If they read this again, oh well, I'll just have to go and beat them up so they'd stop... 

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