Chapter 18

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I'm not going to be able to post Tuesday and Wednesday so I am posting this one early :P

Bree's POV

"No...what?!" I cried out.

"Bree, Jace used to be a Dream Demon like me, but he wanted to be he needed blood and you were his victim. He tricked you Bree, but you didn't die, because you are still a Dream Demon. He must have not noticed even though the signs must have been clear." I brushed a hand over his hair. " could have been killed."

I stood up. "Then I didn't hurt anyone! I can go back!" I exclaimed happily.

"No! You are never leaving again!" Bill said angrily.

"Try and stop me! You aren't actually here! You can't do anything in reality! You are stuck in the mindscape! I don't belong here! I just won't become like Jace!" I argued back angrily.

"Bree! NO!" Bill turned red.

"Dad! I'm not staying here!!!" I closed my eyes and suddenly I was thrown into oblivion and was dropped outside of the Mystery Shack. I felt dizzy. I never tried transporting before, but I shook the shock away and ran inside. Dipper and Mabel weren't in the living room, they must be up stairs. I ran up to the attic and threw the door open.

Dipper and Mabel screamed when they saw me. I ran up. "Guys! I didn't hurt anybody! Jace tricked me and tried to kill me!" I said immediately.

Dipper still looked shocked and was obviously looking over my appearance. I didn't look human at all now. "Then what about the blood? You can't just trick-"

"It was mine...I was almost human, but then..." I trailed off as I looked down at my clothes and how my feet hovered above the ground. "But I'm not completely human yet..." I dropped onto my feet so they touched the ground. "My dad...I mean Bill, he can't do anything, because he's permanently stuck in the mindscape. He can't touch me or you guys...please believe me." I begged.

Dipper actually looked relieved. "You mean you didn't hurt anyone and Bill can't hurt us?" I asked.


Dipper now smiled. "And Jace was a fake all along?"

"Yeah." I smiled as well.

Dipper looked over at Mabel who was smiling now.

"YAY! YOU CAN STAY!" Mabel exclaimed as she ran up and gave me a squeeze hug.

I began crying the human tears of joy and hugged her back. Dipper ran up and hugged me as well. They pulled back and with a little Demon magic, I brought my human clothes back. It was strange, I was starting to get the whole Dream-Demon-powers under control, but I was so human. I performed some more magic to shroud the weird demon eyes. I smiled as I felt and looked human.

Dipper looked shocked again. "Well, that's a lot easier than contacts." He said and I laughed.

 I impulsively hugged him tightly. "Thanks, for looking out for me." I whispered. He pushed me away gently.

"But, I sent you away, I was horrible to you." He told me confused.

"I know, but you were protecting Mabel, you were worried for her. If I had actually done those things then, well, it served me right to be sent away."

Dipper smiled. "Well, thanks for not hating me forever."

I giggled. "Now, do you think I could go asleep and wake up fresh and human?"

Dipper nodded.

Mabel raced to my side. "I'll grab a sleeping bag this time." And she ran off.

I turned to Dipper. "Dipper, I just need to thank you for taking me in and letting me stay and hang with you guys. I-I think this is a dream come true. I was fascinated with humans for so long, but now...I feel human and I have no reason to be. I completed my dream."

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