Chapter 9

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Mabel's POV

I got a Band-Aid and put it over my cut. As I put it on I saw my hand was still shaking. I grabbed that hand and walked back to Dipper in our room. Dipper sat on his bed, muttering to himself as he searched the journal. I sat beside him.

"What you looking for Dip?" I asked as cheerfully as I could muster.

"An explanation for Bree's reaction to human blood...but I don't think the author actually associated with a Dream Demon like we have." He flipped a couple more pages. "Its freaking me out."

I rubbed my bandaged hand. "It's not her fault...she seemed terrified when she realized what happened."

"But Mabel, this is why we can't keep the Dream De- I mean, Bree- in our house. She's too dangerous." Dipper closed his journal stiffly.

"No Dip, we just have to be careful. She likes spending time with us, she's happy. And, remember, she said she wasn't going back to Bill and we can't make her leave 'cause she would come back on her own."

Dipper let out a long exasperated sigh. "I know."

"Then, we have to tell Bree that it's fine and that she doesn't need to worry, just to be more careful."

Dipper shook his head. "What are we doing? We are insane." He said.

I laughed. "That's the spirit."

He put on a half real smile. "I guess I'll put up with Bree..."

I leaned in and hugged him. "Thanks Dip."

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