Chapter 21- Love Her ~Part 2 ~

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~Bridgets POV ~
I pulled away from the long powerful kiss I just had with Kyle and he pouted. It was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.

"So what are we doing now badass" I asked and winked at him "You'll see" Kyle said as he grabbed my hand and tugged me towards my car "Can I please have your keys" Kyle gently asked me standing beside my car. "What about your car" I asked "Justin my friend dropped me off" he answered, I handed him my keys and he walked to the passengers seat behind me.

I grabbed the car handle but I felt strong arms go around me and pull me away from the handle gently "I've got this" Kyle whispered in my ear and I tingled as he opened the door and I got in the car and he closed the door smiling. Kyle drove off and mintues later we arrived at my house "Oh I get it you didn't want to go on the date-" I started to say then Kyle put his hand over my mouth "Never say that darling. All I wanted was for you to go and get shorts but like excersice ones or ones you don't care if they got wet" Kyle said and he removed his hand.

I got out of the car and shut the door then I walked up to my front door and walked in. "Natalie it's Bridget I'm just getting something" I said and I ran upstairs to my room. I wonder why I needed to get shorts. I went in my closet and grabbed my black exercise shorts and ran back downstairs and out the door and got back in the car.

" Done." I announced "Okay let's go" Kyle said as he drove off about 10 mintues of me complaining of how long the ride was and singing, we arrived.

The place was beautiful there was a huge cliff that had a pool of water below, Kyle got out of the jeep and I followed and he locked the jeep and gave me the keys back. He grabbed my hand and walked me up to the top of the cliff and it had a really big top so Kyle sat down and pulled me down on top of him.

We talked for a while, "I'll be right back I'm just getting a few things" Kyle announced so I got off of him and he kissed my forehead and started his way down the cliff.

I sat there and played with the dyed tips of my hair and looking out at the beautiful sence in front of me as the birds chirped beautiful songs "Bridget?" I hear a familiar voice say and I turn around to see Beck Raymond.

Beck Raymond is my ex boyfriend that broke my heart two years ago. He was a player just like Kyle but he pretended to have a warm heart and care for me when in reality it was all just a bet. It was a bet to go out with me, to love me, and to hurt me after a year of our relationship.

I clenched my jaw "Beck" I splat out "Oh I never thought I'd see the day where I meet my beautiful babe again" Beck said "Shut it. And go away" I yelled as I looked back at the waterfall and I heard foot steps behind me "You can't get rid of me that easily now that I found you" Beck whispered in my ear.

"Beck. What are you doing here?" Another familiar voice said but this time it was Kyle. "Just visiting my babe" Beck said kissing my head "I'm not your babe so shut the heck up" I said as I got up and ran to Kyle who had a pinic basket in his hand. " Wait how do you know Beck?" I asked curiously "He's my step brother" Kyle answered "The person that broke my heart is your step brother" I gasped.

"You. Broke. Her. Heart." Kyle asked more like stated as his breathing was heavier and his hands were balled into fists and his teeth were now clenched "Yup she fell right into my little plan. Dude are you dating her? Awwww man that's awesome is that the girl your going to play too. Great minds think alike" Beck spilled.

My heart stared beating faster and faster, I'm just another one of Kyle's little player victims. A tear leaks it's way out of my eye and I ran as fast as I can away. I ran into the forest and found a huge tree so I slid down its trunk and cried. All along I thought I was with him and that he loved me. I guess it was all a scam just like Beck. I pulled my knees to my chest and tucked my arms around my legs and cried.

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