Chapter 20

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Lauren's POV

It's been a few weeks after the situation with Hailee's cousin, Harry. Camila decided she wanted to go to the police and file a report against him the morning after. I supported her 110% like I promised I would.

She was scared but I held her hand the whole time as she explained to them what she remembered.

After that, they swabbed her mouth and got a urine sample to see if there was any trace of the drug he gave her in her system.

They found the date-rape drug trace but if they hadn't we also had physical evidence because of the bruises on her body and audio Dinah had at the party.

Harry was arrested and later we found out that Camila wasn't the first girl Harry assaulted. He was only able to get off those other times because his parents were rich but since Camila was a minor his name was added to a list of pedophiles and sex offenders.

He was also sentenced to 2 years in jail which in my opinion wasn't enough. He assaulted to other women before Camila and was able to get off easily, if they would've stopped him the first time maybe this wouldn't have happened to Camila or the girl before her.

Camila was relived and seeing her so happy made me feel happy. She felt safe and that's all I honestly wanted.

Since the incident, Camila would get a little jumpy at times but I would never push her. I would give her her space and wouldn't initiate anything unless she was the first to do so or if I did I would ask her if she was okay with it.

I was afraid if I did anything I'd trigger something or push her over the edge and she'd have a break down but that hasn't been the case so that's great.

She seems fine now which I'm thankful for, sometimes she has nightmares but they're only minor ones. When I'm not there she'll call me and we'll talk on the phone all night long about everything and nothing.

For our three month anniversary, I couldn't do what I had originally planned but I was fine with that.

I took Camila out to FunZone which was like this place where they had bowling, skating, laser tag and a humongous arcade.

She had a blast and so did I. We did everything we possibly could while we were there. I just wanted it to be a fun day for her.

I gave her a banana necklace and a pizza ring which was incredibly dorky but she seemed to like it.

She got me a teddy bear that was bigger than my entire body, it was literally a giant. It was holding a container of mangoes which I thought was the cutest because she knows I love mangoes. God, we're such dorks it's ridiculous.

I just love spending time with her and I honestly want to for the rest of my life.


"Okay, load up." I heard coach say once all of our bags were packed at the bottom of the charter bus.

We had a 3 day tournament at the opposite end of the state which our team has to go. I love when we have tournaments and so do the girls. The games may be hectic and shit but honestly they're the most fun.

Getting to compete against schools across the country, making new friends and obviously impressing scouts is always a lovely thing to do.

Scouts come out a lot during tournaments and that's the time I get to shine, to show my full potential to those who could potentially offer me a scholarship for my future.

A bonus of going across the state was that we didn't have to go to class today and that the cheerleaders would be joining us.

We all know I'm a sucker for cheerleaders... well one cheerleader in particular to be exact.

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