Chapter 19

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Lauren's POV

After successfully getting Mani off the roof, which took a lot of difficultly. I went down stairs in search of my girlfriend.

I left her on the couch so it shouldn't really be that hard to find her.

I made my through the crowd of drunken teens that were dancing wildly. Instead of finding Camila sitting on the couch, I found a couple making out. Not just any couple either.

It was Ariana..... but she wasn't making out with Justin. Holy shit, he's going to be crushed when he finds out. I shook my head, turning away from the scene.

I looked around the living room, scanning but I don't see her anywhere. Maybe she went to the bathroom?

I went through the crowd of rowdy teens, not without getting my foot stepped on at least seven hundred thousand times.

I went and checked all the bathrooms but all I found was people strewn over the toilet puking their guts out. I looked in the backyard, the kitchen, every place there were lot of kids.

I was starting to get worried so I found Alexa. My heart was beating really fast because I don't know where she is. I shouldn't have fucking left her in the first place!

"Lex, I need your help." I asked, looking around the crowd in case I caught sight of my girlfriend.

"What is it Lo?" I could feel my eyes get watery. I really shouldn't have left her and now I don't know where she is.

"I can't find Camz, I left her on the couch and now she's not there. I looked all over the house and I still couldn't find her. She's drunk Lex and I don't know where she is or what she's doing. I shouldn't have left her!" I said frantically, not taking my eyes off the people around us.

"I'm so scared, something could be wrong!" I felt Alexa grab my hand and pull me to the side.

I felt her hands on my face and her eyes boring into mine. "Hey, calm down. We're going to find her. Did you search the rooms?" She asked and shook my head. Why didn't I think of that? You're so fucking stupid Lauren.

"I'll check upstairs and you check down." I nodded, grabbing Dinah.

"I need you to help me check the rooms and find Camz, she isn't anywhere else. She's drunk Dinah and I'm freaking out because I can't find her." Dinah looked at me incredulously.

"You left her alone?!" She yelled and I got slightly angry.

"To help you with Mani! Don't blame this on me okay! I feel terrible already." My voice cracked at the end and Dinah's face softened.

"We're going to find her, come on." I nodded, going down the long hallway and opening doors.

In some rooms I found very unpleasant sights. She wasn't in none of the ones I looked in but I saw Dinah at the end of the hall trying to open one of the doors.

"It's locked," she said as Alexa joined us.

"I didn't find her upstairs, by the way Vero said she's going to kill you for leaving her with a drunk Mani." She directed towards Dinah.

"Okay, Lex, go get your boyfriend. I need help getting this door open." She nodded before going to get Clarke who was really built.

The guy looked like a wrestler. She came back a second with him in tow. I told him about the door being locked and he just told us to stand back.

He cracked his knuckles before using his foot to kick the door in. It only took one try and he successfully got the door open.

I immediately ran in but the sight in front of me made my blood boil with indescribable rage. There was nothing in this would the could make me angrier than I am right now. It was like something in me switched and I wasn't stable any more.

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