Chapter 3

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Lauren's POV

I was freaking out on the inside. Soon I'd be in a room alone with none other than the cutest head cheerleader in all of Eastgrove High's history.

It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time like how was I suppose to be alone with her when I can barely talk to her let alone breathe around her?

I was sitting in Math class when Alexa walked up to me. "Lo, you going to Austin's party Friday night?" She asked, I scoffed and pulled out my math textbook.

Don't get me wrong I love parties and turning up but I cannot stand that boy. He's the captain of the football team and because of that, he thinks he can get any girl he wants, including Camila, my Camila.

He's a womanizer and a player and it's disgusting the way he treats girls, like they're something to be objectified.

He even tried to get with my sister, who I might add, is a freshman and he's a fucking senior. I almost pounded his head in once I found out. I wasn't going to let him take advantage of my baby sister like that.

He's such a fuckboy it's ridiculous with his Justin Bieber wannabe ass.

"You know I don't like that kid Lex." I answered, rolling my eyes at the suggestion.

"Yeah, but you have to admit though, he throws pretty great parties." That's true, even though he's a complete douchebag, his parties are always the most talked about. The kid can really throw a party.

"I'll see." Alexa nodded and went to sit by her boyfriend. Ally, my partner in crime and also my lovely cousin walked in and took her seat beside me.

We've been through so much together, she's only like a month older than me so we've been partners in crime since our diaper days.

"Hey Lo," she greeted with a mischievous smirk and I knew something was running through that little head of hers. "Hey Allycat...." I gave her a look of confusion. She giggled because she knew that I knew something was up with her.

Ally Brooke Hernandez is always up to something sneaky.

"So, a little birdy told me that Camila Cabello's going to be tutoring you."

"Uh, y-yeah." I stuttered, I don't know why though, it was honestly only a simple question.

"How are you going to handle that?" She asked, looking at the board and then back at me. "I'm just going to let her tutor me." I shrugged, what else was I supposed to do? I would be a little too nervous to even talk to her. I'd probably squeak a few words out.

"Yeah right," She protested. "I know how you'll act Lauren." She laughed and I glared at her, playing with the led in my mechanical pencil.

"I wish someone would be there to record it." she smirked, what does she have planned?

"Shut up Allyson, need I remind you how you acted around Troy?" She quickly shut at the mention of her boyfriend and how she used to be almost exactly like me a year ago.

I smirked as she didn't say another word.

The teacher wrote a couple of problems on the board that he wanted us to solve. After we finished solving them we had to compare with a partner. I obviously chose Ally since she was sitting right next to me.

"We've got all the same answers but we've got different methods." I said and she nodded. We both explained our methods to each other and then to the class in a group discussion.

Class ended on a good note and I rushed out to head to lunch. I walked in the cafeteria to see one of my best friends talking to one of Camila's best friends.

Love and Basketball (Camren)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara