Chapter 18

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*trigger warning*

Lauren's POV

With one last shot, the buzzard sounded, ending the game in our 13th victory of the season. We haven't lost a game yet and the championship game was right around the corner. We were undefeated and I planned to keep it that way.

Screams could be heard all across the gym but all I could hear was the sounds of my teams victories in my ears.

I quickly got in line to shake hands with the other team. Once I finished, I ran to the locker room where our Coach had to talk to us.

All he said was that today was a good game and that we have another one the day after tomorrow and that we needed to be ready.

We did our team chant before we were able to leave. As soon as I was out of the bathroom Chris and Taylor came running towards me.

"You were really good out there Lauren," he announced, fist bumping me. I easily fist bumped the 16 year old back.

"Yeah, all of my friends kept saying how hot you were." I rolled my eyes, Taylor's friends were so flirty it was ridiculous, I usually chose to ignore it though.

Chris handed me his phone and I instantly grinned at whose face was being displayed on the screen. "Hey mama," I smiled at the much paler women. She was sicker a week ago so I'm so happy she's improving.

"You did so good out there! The way you were just taking shots like that and never missing. Wow, I have a superstar as a daughter, don't forget me when you make it big." Just as I was about to reply, Camila came running over to me, flinging herself in my arms almost causing me to drop the phone in my hand.

I smiled when I felt her lips easily press against mine. I loved the way her lips felt against mine and I would honestly never get tired of it.

I felt Camila trying to deepen the kiss but before I could open my mouth and give her access, I heard a throat being cleared.

Both Camila and I looked at the phone that was placed in my hand. I felt my cheeks heat up as I saw my mom smirk through the screen.

"Hey Camila," she greeted with a small wave. "Hi Mrs. Jauregui," Camila greeted back, her cheeks redder than a tomato.

My mom laughed at our apparent embarrassed states. "What have I told you about calling me that," my mom questioned the girl still wrapped in my arms.

"Sorry, Clara." My girlfriend corrected. My mom gave Camila a thumbs up causing both of us to laugh.

My mom was amazing, even though she was in the hospital, she promised me she'd never miss one of my games and she stuck true to her word.

She's never in her life since I been playing basketball ever missed a game. Just because she's in the hospital doesn't mean anything to her.

Chris gets his laptop and livestreams the games for her. She just sits back and watches them as if she's here, screaming and yelling at all of the terrible calls the referees make. She's even gotten a disturbance complaint before, a few actually but she doesn't care.

"So Lauren, how are you and my future daughter-in-law?" I blushed as Camila smiled shyly at me before burying her face in the crook of my neck. From the heat radiating from her cheeks, I knew she was blushing as well.

My mom makes me visit her only once a week, on Wednesdays. She doesn't want me spending all of my time with her and neglecting other things such as senior year activities and my job and my beautiful girlfriend.

I, of course, argued against her but I lost the battle.

"We've been great mom. Actually, our 3 month anniversary is coming up and I'm pretty excited. I have something special to give Camz," I smiled goofily at the gorgeous girl tucked into my side.

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