Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV

I groaned feeling kisses being placed all around my face. I opened my eyes to see Camila in her most natural form and boy was she beautiful.

She crinkled her nose and it was the most adorable sight I have ever seen . "Hi," I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes before yawning. "Hi." I replied, stroking her cheek lightly.

"You really have a nice way of waking people up in the morning." She laughed, making my heart do jumping jacks.

"Well, someone wouldn't get up otherwise." She smirked and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Okay, that's true." I agreed, moving my arm to drape across her waist, spooning her from behind.

"I would love to wake up like this every morning if I had the choice." I whispered into her hair, giving her ear a light kiss. She makes me forget about everything that happens with my dad at home.

"Me too, you're so comfy and you smell good." I giggled, of course she would say that.

"So I was thinking, for our next date we cou-" she cut me off.

"Next date? Who said anything about a next date Jauregui?" I could hear the teasing in her voice and I knew that she wasn't serious.

"Well, Cabello. You did get me into bed on the first date. " I smirked, she laughed and turned around in my arms facing me.

"So I think that requires a second date." She bit her lip, nodding. I wanted nothing more than to bite her luscious pink lip so I leaned in but I was fucking rejected.

"Why won't you let me kiss you?" I asked frowning at cheerleader.

"Because you have morning breathe and need to brush your teeth." She giggled, pecking my cheek.

"I don't have a tooth brush." I answered matter-of-factly leaning in again but only for my lips to come into contact with her hand.

"I set one out for you, now go brush." I got up from her bed and went into the small bathroom in her room.

I quickly brushed my teeth, flashing a smile at the mirror before walking out. I got in the bed and as soon as I leaned in there was a knock on the door and the doorknob started twisting.

Panicking, I immediately jumped up, dropping to the floor. Oh my god, I'm dead. I'm so dead, please pray for me.

"Mija, are you up? You know we have church. Why's this door locked?" Coach asked from outside of the door.

Camila brought her hand to her lips, signaling for me to be quiet. I nodded and scooted under the bed, grabbing my clothes.

From under the bed, I saw Camila make her way to the door. "I was just about to shower Dad." She answered, my heart was beating so loud I was afraid he was going to hear it.

He walked into the room, stepping near the bed before sitting down. I was on edge, if he found me I'm fricking dead, not just dead but like dead dead skinned alive dead.

"Mila, help me tie this. Your mom got mad at me and wouldn't help me." I heard Camila laugh, wow, she was good at acting as if I weren't there. I'm kinda relieved she isn't nervous.

"Sure Papi, you can never get this right." I heard a manly sigh. "I know, but thanks to you I won't need to." He laughed.

"Thanks pumpkin," he stated before walking out of her room causing me to release a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.

Once she closed the door, I slid from under the bed. Catching sight of Camila in nothing but a towel, I almost dropped dead on the floor.

I felt my cheeks, along with the tip of my ears heat up as she dropped the towel. I turned away from her, looking out of the window, blushing furiously.

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