Chapter 9

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Lauren's POV

"Hey sport, come run some drills with me." My dad said as I entered the house. I had just gone on a run and I really needed to crack open my chemistry book to do this last minute studying.

Camila has helped me out a lot in these past few weeks and I'm so grateful for that. I'm just really sad that she won't be tutoring me anymore after I take my test tomorrow.

I was totally going to ask her on a date yesterday but Coach basically put me out. I was feeling extra confident yesterday but now, I'm not really feeling that. I lost my mojo. Thanks Coach for screwing up my plans.

After a minute of silence, my dad looked at me expectantly but I shook my head. "I really have to study dad, my Chemistry exam is tomorrow and this determines if I can play." I watched him as be clenched his jaw but nodded his head anyway. He wants more than anything for me to pass this exam.

I walked upstairs, freshening up before changing into something more comfortable and relaxing. I pulled up to my desk and opened my Chem book.

Camila placed sticky notes on the pages I really needed to study and left small footnotes on them as well, which was really helpful. I flipped to the first page with the pink postid note and began reviewing its information.

About half an hour into studying my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller I.D and noticed it was Camila's screen name. I tried to control the rapid beating of my heart but there's no use. Camila will always make my heart feel like it's going to explode out of my chest.

I pressed the answer button. "Hey Camz," I tried to answer as casually as possible. "Hey Lolo," I smiled at the nickname.

Honesty, I hate it whenever someone calls me that but when it comes from Camila's mouth, I can make an exception.

"What are you up to?" She asked, I bit my lip before answering. "Going over your glorious notes." I answered, twirling my pen between 2 of my fingers. Her voice sounds so cute over the phone.

"Oh um, can I ask you something?" I decided I wanted to tease her.

"You just did," I quipped amused, I could tell in her voice that she was nervous. What was making her nervous?

"Okay, well um can I ask you another?" I smiled a little, she was adorable.

"That was twice in a row." I giggled and I heard her sigh on the other line.

"Never mind, just forget it."

"No no, don't go. I'm only teasing you, what did you want to ask me?" She started to speak but then she stopped.

She finally began speaking again, "Okay well, I was wondering if you'd like to hang out?" My heart rate sped up at an unhealthy pace in sure. I sat my phone down quietly so I could do a victory dance.

She wants to hang out with me! Okay Lauren, calm down and pick up your phone.

I grabbed my phone and cleared my throat, making my voice deeper than it usually is, trying not to seem phased that she just asked me to fucking hang out with her.

"Um, yeah that sounds great." I heard other voices on the line but I chose to ignore it.

"Is this like a... a date?" I asked. I cringed at how stupid I sounded.

"Yeah, a date, I like the sound of that." I'm screaming on the inside, I am screaming wildly.

Just when I was about to speak up my dad came bursting into my room. I immediately hung up the phone and dropped it as I looked at his penetrating glare. Fuck, he was angry.

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