Chapter 8

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Camila's POV

I looked at Lauren in shock. I was the one that gave her that hickey? I've never even kissed anyone before yet I give someone a hickey?

"I-I gave you that?" I stumbled over my words. Lauren just nodded, smiling lightlm.

"Yeah, at the party. You were kinda drunk and we were dancing and you kinda just..... yeah." She answered shyly, she was by far the most adorable human on earth.

"I can't believe I gave you a hickey, I am so sorry." I apologized for leaving that mark on her. If I'm being honest, I wasn't even an ounce sorry. I gave her that hickey rather than someone else which was absolutely awesome.

"No, no! Don't be sorry I kinda... liked it." Her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink. "It felt good." I smiled at that, she wasn't mad that I gave her that love bite, and neither was I.

I smirked, gaining some confidence. I moved my chair beside Lauren's so that we were almost touching.

I moved my head near the hickey I left, my breath hitting Lauren's neck. I saw her physically shiver and I internally high-fived myself for the effect I was having on her.

"Since I did that..." I trailed off, grabbing her jaw with my left hand and moved my mouth upwards towards her ear.

"Could I do this?" I asked, lowering my voice an octave. I heard Lauren gulp before I attached my lips to her earlobe.

I nibbled on the flesh slightly before moving down the length of her neck. I kissed the area right above the hickey I placed when I was drunk feeling Lauren shiver against my lips.

I poked my tongue out, licking the spot before attaching my lips to the area, sucking on her smooth, delicate skin.

Lauren gripped the chair so harshly her knuckles were turning white and her breathing was beginning to get heavier. I just smiled against her neck.

Everything inside of me burned when a moan fell from Lauren's lips. It was like the heavenliest sound that has ever graced my ears. I had never heard anything so sexy in my entire lifetime, not even Ryan Goslings voice and that's saying a lot.

"C-camz," I hummed against her neck. That's when she gently pushed me away.

I thought I had done something wrong so I stepped back, but once I looked into her eyes, all of my previous doubts vanished.

Her eyes showed nothing but kindness and sincerity. She smiled at me and that was my cue to lean in and connect our lips together.

And just like they mention in the movies and romantic novels, I felt nothing but fireworks as Lauren's lips collided smoothly against mine. It was an unbelievable feeling of euphoria having Lauren's lips move against mine.

I wasn't experienced and I hope she couldn't tell but god her lips were so soft, smooth and plump, that's beside but point but still, I know you catch my drift.

I moved from my spot without breaking the kiss and settled myself onto Lauren's lap, my legs on either side of her hips. She tensed up, seemingly surprised that I sat in her lap. If I'm honest, I was a bit surprised at my bold move too but I tried not to show it.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and threaded my fingers into her long dark tresses. I felt her ease up at the notion and place her hands on my hips, stroking the skin there softly.

She tilted her head to the side, deepening the kiss. I giggled when I felt her tongue brush against mine, it just felt really ticklish. Lauren smiled and squeezed my hips lightly causing me to jerk upwards into her. Both of us moaned at the new found friction.

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