Chapter 16

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Camila's POV

After my dad caught Lauren in my room, he put locks on my windows. Crazy right? He doesn't think so, he said it was for 'safety measures' but that was a total lie!

He also grounded me for a month for having her in my room even though I told him the circumstances. I'm just glad Lauren knows how to pick locks.

I was up later than usual trying to finish up some homework that was due at the end of the week. I wanted to get a head start so I wouldn't have to worry about it later because I'm such a procrastinator.

I heard noises come from my window and I knew that it was Lauren. Since I've been grounded, I hadn't been able to see her so she sneaks in my room whenever she can. She's usually either practicing or visting her mom.

I heard my window open and feet shuffle towards me. I was surprised when I was immediately lifted from the bed and pulled into a kiss.

I reveled in the feelings of Lauren's lips on mine. They were soft and plump and felf lovely against mine. She kissed me with so much certainly it boggled my mind.

I wrapped my arms around her neck as I felt her trace my bottom lip with her tongue. I was about to grant access when I felt something wet hit my cheek.

I pulled away to look at Lauren. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying and she had tear stained cheeks. She honestly looked so broken.

I wiped her eyes as she sniffled. "Baby," I cooed, stroking her eyebrow. She liked when I did that, it would always calm her down.

Since Lauren's mom has been in the hospital, it hasn't been easy on her at all. She visits her everyday and after she leaves I know she goes home crying. She can't stand to see her mother like that, so in pain. I imagine no one would want to see thier mother in that position. When she doesn't come to my house, I know she's a wreck and doesn't want to be bothered with anyone or anything.

For some odd reason, she won't let me sneak in her house. I offered many times to sleep over there but she would always deny my request.

"Please Camz, just... just make it go away." Her voice was shaky and it broke my heart to see her like this.

"Lauren..." I sighed. "No matter what I try to do, the pain won't go away." She just shook her head as more tears began to fall.

"Please." The desperation in her voice sent chills down my body, I know I can't make it go away but I could make her feel better right now.

"Okay," I whispered before leaning in and capturing her lips with mine. She sat down on the bed, pulling me on top of her without breaking the kiss so that I was straddling her. Her hands slid under my shirt to rest on my stomach, dragging her fingers, raking the skin lightly.

I slid my tongue into her mouth, exploring the warm wet area. She took her leather jacket off and I tangled my fingers in her dark black locks.

I felt her hands travel down to my backside and I moaned when I felt her squeeze my ass firmly, bringing me more into her body. I felt her smirk against my lips and I broke the kiss to pepper kisses along her jawline down and down to her neck.

I found her sweet spot which was directly under her ear and sucked lightly on it, causing Lauren to moan and her breathing to become shallow.

I glided my tongue down her neck to her pulse point where I bit down and sucked harshly at the spot. It was probably going to leave a mark. Oops.

I started rolling my hips against her causing us both to moan at the amount of friction being applied to our centers.

The sensation between my legs began to grow and the wetness was starting to get uncomfortable. She hasn't even touched me and I'm all hot and bothered.

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