Chapter Twenty Nine

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 We had, in total, been in the car for a good half hour. Harry had drove us to Manhattan. We were now driving just around the dock.

"Harry, what are we doing at the docks?" Then, it hit me. Open water, and Harry had asked me to wear a swimsuit.

"You'll see," he spoke with a grin. 

His black car pulled into a lot, that was basically vacant, except a few other cars. I looked around suspiciously. Harry had already gotten out of the car, on was on the passenger side. He held out his hand for me to take.

"Come on," he urged, raising his brows.

"Harry, we are at the docks, nobody is here, it's dark. How do I know you didn't bring me here to rape me?"

"I live with you, if I wanted to rape you I could walk across the hall."

"Your point is invalid. You wouldn't want my screams to be heard."

"I would love to hear your screams when I have sex with you."

"Shut up, I meant the neighbors."

"Neighbors are going to hear your sex screams either way, due to me and my little friend."

"Oh, so your friend is little."

"No, no. Oh my god, let's go."

Harry shook his head, grabbing my hand. He gently helped me out of the car, locking it behind me. He basically pulled me along behind him. It gave me the chance to look at his cute little bum. Before I could help myself, my free hand reached out and gave Harry's ass a little squeeze. He yelped, turning around. "And you question me raping you? Now, stop groping me and climb up this ladder."

I rolled my eyes, walking in front of him. My hand gripped the first bar and I slowly started to gradually make my way to the top. I was almost at the top when a hand slapped my right cheek, hard. I turned my head, scowling at Harry. He gave me wink along with a stupid smirk, one dimple popping out particularly.

When I finally made it to the top, my point of view was directed to a large boat. It looked as if it had two floors. The bottom was a kitchen and lounging area. The top was a deck, with a sun roof above it, that could open and lap over the sides of the boat. Their were two seats at the front. A steering wheel and an ignition infront of one seat. There was a circular couch type thing at the very back. You could look out over the vast waters. Lights were strung all around the outside of the boat. Something red caught my attention. I looked down. Rose petals scattered from right where I was standing, leading directly to the dock where the boat sat a float.

Two hands gripped either side of my waist, gently squeezing. "Is this your boat?" I turned my head to look up at Harry. He smiled, shaking his head softly.

"No, Louis, Niall, and Liam thought it would be cool to rent a boat for the weekend. They haven't used it yet. They will tomorrow morning though. But, I persuaded them to let me use it for the night." Harry explained, looking out at the boat.

I grabbed his hand, dragging him along behind me. I hurriedly made my way to where the boat was docked. Harry helped me step up on the little walkway. I slid the first door open, allowing me to access the kitchen.

"This is incredible," I whispered, glancing around. Marble counter tops, leather couches, soft fur rugs, paintings, cherry wood dining table. Holy.

"Yeah, they make good money," Harry spoke, also taking in the stunning set up.

"Well, put on your big boy pants and take the lead already," I tilted my head to look at him from the side, still admiring the boat's interior.

"I am wearing my big boy pants," Harry frowned.

"They don't look very big, look a bit too tight. Almost like a ball crusher type sorta thing."

Harry groaned, stomping his feet. What a child. He turned to look at me fully, pouting. "You're so mean sometimes," he shook his head, walking closer to me. His arm snaked around my waist, pulling me into him. I tilted my head, allowing him access to my neck. He moved a few stands of hair with his free hand, snuggling his face in the crook of my neck. I felt his nose nudge my ear, placing gentle kisses down my neck. My eyes fluttered closed, as I let out a soft hum. It was like he was taking all these senses and heightening them to their maximum level. The hand that was once on my back, lowered. It rested on my hip. His fingers briskly lifted the shirt just a little, I felt his cold fingers brush against the now bare skin. His fingers drew small circles, as he kissed right below my ear.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered, squeezing my hip slightly.

I smiled, allowing my fingers to explore, running through his curls.

I felt like I was experiencing the happiest moment of my life, just standing here with him, in his protective arms, while he kissed my neck. Nothing could disturb this moment. This is where I felt at rest. In Harry's arms, as I bury myself in his warm embrace. His scent was so thick, yet calm. It was like a drug that kept you calm and relaxed. I'm so in love.

"As are you," I whispered, twirling my fingers through his dark hair.

He pulled away slightly, so our faces were only inches apart. His enchanting emerald eyes stared deeply into my hazel ones. It was almost as if he were looking into my soul. His nose nudged mine, sending a tingly feeling rush through my head. His soft plush lips settled onto mine, locking in place.

"I love you so, so much." He mumbled against my lips.

"I love you so, so much more,"


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