The Mask

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Please read the note at the end.


She wears the mask to hide her eyes

To shield her face and cheeks and lies

Because the mask is a white plate

It covers up her death-marked fate

A fate that lets demons live in her head

With small, little knives used to sharpen lead

The knives leave scars all over her skin

Yet they go unnoticed even by kin

On the mask is painted a smile so deep

That no one would know she cries herself to sleep

The mask says, "I'm having lots of fun"

But on the inside, "I'll never be loved by anyone"

Always look closer into her mind

It will show that you have been blind

Give her the loves she so rightfully needs

Ignore all of her opposing pleads

Her heart is breaking, slowly in her hand

The mask has made it a struggle to stand

She screams and yells for some kind of light

But you could be her hope in the night

Once it's removed you will soon see

The beautiful soul she was meant to be

So keep her close because the mask is still there

It will always be giving that same deadly stare


I wrote this poem around this time two years ago, and I cut some things out and put some things in and really labored over this one because I wanted it to be perfect. This was officially my first piece of poetry and this particular poem is the one that started it all. I was at a time in my life that I didn't really know myself and I was struggling with some personal issues that I'm still dealing with today. This piece is very dear to my heart because I truly believe that everyone has their own mask. Everyone has their own outer appearance or outer persona that they take on when around other people. It's only when someone is alone, without any distraction, that you can see them take off their mask and find out who they genuinely are. It's just as difficult to take off your mask as it is to take off someone else's. I make mention to self harm in this poem but the poem isn't called "Self Harm" it's called "The Mask". Many people go straight to the fact that it's about self harm and that the author must know something of that or is depressed. While that's true to a certain extent, that's not what I wanted readers to take from this piece. I wanted them to see that not everyone is what their mask says they are; and in some cases, we can't control what our mask says. I wanted readers to take away from this that the most pure and loving thing you could possibly do for someone is to take off your mask. It's the only way we as humans can truly begin to understand one another once that outer shell has been broken and our core is bared. I want readers to think about that. Think about the mask you wear and think about if you've ever taken it off for anyone. Think about who you want to take if off for but can't find the strength to do so. Think about the people who you removed it for and abandoned you for doing so. Just think about it. 

Vote and Comment my beautiful people. Especially comment, please. I would like to know what you guys think about my writings and what you take away from them.

Love you to the moon and back, darlings 



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