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In which a prostitute gets fed up with a rich man's bullshit about how he understands her struggle and what her life is like. She realizes that he is only in it for the sex when she was fooled into thinking he loved her.


"If you think that I'm just gonna stand here and take this from you than you have another thing coming. You have no right to tell me who I am. I am not defined by who you think I am. You have no power, no say and no authority over me. You cannot tell me who I am because I know who I am. I'm not yours to put away and take out whenever you feel like it. I'm not one of your toys. I'm not a thing. I'm a human being and you are not above me. Don't you dare sit there in your house of beautiful and expensive things and tell me you know what I'm going through. You haven't the slightest clue of what I have gone through. Since you were a child everything was brought to you on a silver platter. I have had to lie and steal and claw my way to where I am now. And I don't even like where I am now. But thank God I'm not where I was before. I know I haven't made the greatest decisions. I don't need you lecture me about my mistakes when I have to live with them every day. Don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do because you think you know me. I was born with nothing. You were born with everything and more. I didn't have a real home growing up. My mother dragged me and my brother from motel to motel praying that the manger would take us because we couldn't afford a room. You lived with you rich parents until they bought you this house...and that was what? Two years ago? You're twenty-six and you have never had to worry about making the rent or gathering enough quarters for the bus because you had a job an hour away. You didn't have you drop out a high school in your junior year because getting a paycheck was more important than an education. You didn't have to watch your little brother get taken by the authorities because my mother couldn't afford to keep him. You didn't have to go to the back of restaurants and beg for scraps. You don't know the physical and mental pain of what I went through. I sold myself to you. You pay me to spend nights with you when your girlfriend's not home. You pay me to sleep next to someone who will always have more than me. And believe me I don't do it by choice. And you know the worst thing about it? I fell for you. Yeah, I fell for the wealthy young man who only needed me when she wasn't around. I thought I could trust you and you only made me build my walls higher. You have killed me in the worst way possible. And you didn't even have to touch me to do it. You killed my spirit. Do you know that I actually used to be happy? In school I mean. I had friends who loved me. I was loved. God, I was such an idiot when I was in high school. I had this whole fantasy about love and how I'd find it one day and he would give me any and everything I ever wanted. I thought that I was just that simple. I thought that love was actually real and that it heals everything. Well, guess what? It's as fake as that little smile I'd always put on for you. It's the biggest lie that world ever told. And you almost had me fooled. You almost had me believing that you loved me. But now I know. I have no desire to stay here any longer. I'm leaving. You think you have some kind of hold on me? Ha! You're too funny. You don't know me. And thanks to your arrogance and lack of substance, you never will."

Jaymi Walker grabbed her coat from his bedroom floor and walked out.


Yeah....Eh. It's alright.

I wrote this when I was like thirteen so don't judge. I found it on my computer and edited it a little bit.

I love you darlings


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