Midnight Memories

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I know this is wrong.

It has to be.

It shouldn't be happening.

But what should I do?

I can't do anything...

No one will believe me if I tell them.

No one will listen.

I'm only nine.

This isn't right.

Does this happen to all girls?

Should this happen to all girls?

It doesn't feel nice.

Mommy told me about this.

She said I should get help when it happens.

She said I should tell someone.

But what if I don't wanna tell anyone?

What if I'm scared?

What if they think I'm being stupid or ignore me?

What if they think I'm crying wolf?

What if I just keep quiet?

Will it happens again?

Will I feel bad again?

Will I have to keep quiet again?

What if I just say stop?

Will it stop?

Could I run away?

Do I have a choice?

Can I stop this?

What if I scream?

Will someone hear me?

Mommy says to scream 'fire'.

Mommy said that screaming 'fire' will get people's attention.

Mommy said screaming 'help' doesn't get you help.

But I don't want to lie.

There is no fire.

I'm not burning.

No one is burning.

My cheeks are burning.

I'm sweating.

My eyes are blurry.

I can't see past the tears.

I can't find my mommy.

I need mommy.

Daddy is not helping me.

He needs to go away.

Daddy is not my friend.

Daddy is hurting me.

Daddy needs to stop.

Daddy needs to stop touching me....


It was last night.

He pulled off his shoes.

He kissed my forehead.

He unbuttoned my shirt.

He touched my chest and stomach.

He sucked on my nipples.

He slid his large hand in my pants.

He was cold as ice.

He made me shiver when he touched me.

He touches me and I felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.

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