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A guardian

Watching over the madness of kings and queens

Looking after innocent children, disgraced by the terror

Protecting his brothers and guarding their beds

Risking his life for men who want him dead

Snowflakes are his blanket

Animal skins are his pillow

His blood is his warmth

His mind is his sword

The guardian's weapon is of dragon descent

Cold, deadly, fierce and sharp

But he would forget his blade when he meets his demise

For he was only protecting the people of the realm

And his life paid the price

His brothers couldn't see the vision of great

Instead, one by one, they paid him their thanks

With a spit in his eye and a knife in his back

He lay cold and dying under the blue twilight

His blood is his blanket

The snow is his pillow

He is a guardian of the wall

And now his watch has ended

- - - - - - - -

In loving memory of Jon Snow, the bastard of Ned Stark (Lord of Winterfell) and sworn brother of the nights watch.


It's okay because he's gonna come back to life bc he isn't Ned's bastard, he's Lyanna's (Ned's sister's) son. His father is Raegar Targaryen and when they go to burn his body it won't burn because he's the blood of the dragon (Like Khaleesi, his aunt) and when he doesn't burn, the Red Witch will bring him back to life bc she is at Castle Black and then he's gonna kill all the motherfuckers who killed him. Even that little prick, Ollie, who's like five (12) but I want him to die!

If you don't know what I'm talking about, go watch Game of Thrones or read the books.

Love you darlings


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