Got A Secret.....

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Okay okay....I gotta tell her.

I have to. She's gonna kill me.

I've been keeping this a secret for so long.

Oh God, what will she think?

Will she run away screaming?

Will she try and ignore it?

Will she stop talking to me in school?

Oh God. I have to tell her.

I've been dying to tell her ever since I met her.

I've never felt this way about anyone.

I've never told anyone this type of thing.

She's been my best friend since the first day of kindergarten....

She deserves to know what I'm feeling.

She deserves to know the truth.

Shit.....what if I fuck up?

What if I say something wrong.

What if she won't have me?

Fuck! I just need to stop with the bullshit and get on with it.

No more "what ifs".

If she can't accept it then I just need to get over it.

But how?

I love her.

She my best friend.

I can't just get over it.

It's apart of me.

She is apart of me.

I have to tell someone.

No one else knows.

I haven't talked to my parents about it.

I don't even know if what I'm feeling is right or not?

What if it's all a mistake?

Can I make a mistake this big and not realize it?

I know a lot of kids go through this.

I have friends who have been through this very moment....well no.

Not friends.

I don't have much friends that know what I'm feeling.

I don't know if I should tell her.

Maybe I'm overreacting.

Maybe I'm not feeling what I'm feeling.

This is a mistake........

No it's not!

I know me.

Do I?


I don't!

I need help.

I don't know what to do.

I see her and know hat everyday I don't tell her is another day that I'm lying to her face.

Everyday I wait is another day I die inside because I'm shutting my mouth and digging myself a deeper hole to die in.

I love her....and she deserves to know the truth.

We don't lie to each other.

We tell each other everything.

We never keep secrets from one another.

She loves me.

I know she does.

She will except me.

She will take me......maybe.

She's not the kinda girl that would just leave you after spilling your heart out.

She's compassionate and kind and loving and the greatest friend I've ever had.

That's why I love her.

And that's why I trust her enough to tell her.

Oh fuck....there she is.

Hey, Charley.

Can we talk?

Thanks I'm.....I need to....well I....

We've been best friends since the first day I met you and I think it's only fair that I tell you.

I love you with all my heart.....

And this is why you should know that.....

....I'm gay.

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