First Kiss

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You'll be there, listening to the blaring music pierce through the living room speakers. The strobe lights shine purple, pink and green. There is a thick cloud of hot breath circulating the atmosphere of the house. The humid climate and the myriad of drunk teenagers makes the room feel well over 100 degrees.

Sweat drips down your forehead as you dance to the current song. Your hair is in a ponytail because of the heat. Your makeup is beginning to run a bit. Your stomach is peeking out of the bottom of your crop top and your tanned legs are freshly shaved and still smell of the sweet fragrance of your shaving cream.

Your arms wave about carelessly and you let your body sway with the rhythm of the music. The melody fills your ears and almost possess you to loose all sense of thought or right judgment.

Your breath has a trace of liquor and your eyes are closed; seeing with your other four senses instead. You let your body take you where it wants to go and let your mind roam free in the land of teenage madness.

Suddenly, you feel a pull on your wrist. The force leads you out of the thick crowd of sweaty bodies and drags you toward the fresh air of the outside world.

The smell of sweet summer fills your lungs. A fire had been burning in the back yard so the snaps and crackles of the flaming wood tickles your ears.

You open your teary eyes to the mysterious force that has pulled you to reality. It's none other then your old friend, M. You smile at the sight of a familiar face and plead her to come back into the house and dance. She says no. Instead she pulls out a cigarette from her back pocket and lights the stick with the flame of the fire beside her. You, at your displeasure, step away from the intoxicated grey clouds escaping her mouth.

You both make casual conversation, whilst standing by the burning fire. The beat of the music makes the patio vibrate under your feet. You turn your head and notice a pink love seat on the patio. You plop down on the cushy furniture and gesture for her to sit down. She sits beside you and you beg her to put the cig out. With hesitation and a roll of her eyes, she throws the stick into the fire pit and watches it burn.

You begin to get a chill from the whooping wind caressing your bared skin. She sees you shiver and pulls a green blanket from under the love seat. She pulls it over you and you lay back in relaxation.

You look up at the dazzling stars. They're shining brighter on this mid-summer night. Looking up at the full moon you feel weightless, as if you've been transported to an enchanting dream where anything is possible.

You turn you head over to your companion and feel something begin to stir in the pit of your stomach. Seeing the plumpness of her pink lips released butterflies to flutter in your chest.

You begin to feel a pull...a desire....a need.

You don't know if it's the liquor in your system or if you actually are starring at one of your best girl friends and wanting to be close to her. You know she wouldn't have a problem with what you want. Sure, you are in a relationship and her current state was the same but you couldn't help but feel a magnetic force begin to pull at you.

It was an itch that couldn't just be scratched. It was the need to bite your nails before a presentation. It was the overwhelming compulsion to just jump. You were sure she wouldn't oppose to it, given her bisexuality.
You know she'd been begging since freshman year.

You bite you lip and bat your brown eyes at her. She is still in awe of the stars. You place your hand on hers and she turns in surprise.


The silent question lingers in the air. You feel your heart race faster and faster with every breath you draw. If you didn't do it now, you would never do it.

So you jump.

You let go.

Your face inches slowly toward her until your lips make contact with what you've been craving. She is in shock but proceeds to grab your neck and bring you closer. Both your lips move in rhythm and your body gets electrified with a new sensation you've never experienced before.
You squeeze her hand tighter in yours but she doesn't care.

At last, your lips break and your both left to stare at one another. You smile sheepishly and gently lay your head on her chest.

She giggles to herself and almost grows saddened at the thought that your drunk body wouldn't remember the passion the next day. She shrugs and keeps the embrace a secret. It was hers to keep. And even if you never remember it again, she will hold on to it and let the memory live in her heart forever.

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