Nash had told me that his mother was amazing before I met them and I know her treatment of me was a shock to him and caused him to rethink his opinion on his mother.

"I don't trust you anymore, mother. You're a liar and you're vain, appearances are everything to you. It doesn't matter what you say now, any respect I had for you is completely gone." He says quietly and I can't keep my eyes off of Elizabeth. She looks heartbroken as if she expected that Nash would believe her lies and would kick me out. She did say she would talk to him about getting rid of me and seemed confident that he would do it.

Tears start to fall down her cheeks and I don't feel bad for her, she made me cry and didn't feel any guilt over it. She doesn't care that her words cut down my self-esteem and any apology at this point would not be sincere, she would just say what she needed to say to regain Nash's respect and trust.

The look she gives me is of pure hatred and with that Nash stands abruptly and holds out his hand to me. I don't hesitate to take it and I don't care what Elizabeth thinks about our relationship, clearly Nash doesn't care either. I stand and as we're walking away Elizabeth lets out a choked sob.

"Nash please, don't leave like this. I won't be able to sleep at night knowing our relationship is fractured," she pleads and I hear her heels click quickly on the floor, she grabs Nash's other arm and he stops. He turns to face her but laces our hands together, her eyes drift down to our linked hands and then back up at him as realization of our true relationship dawns on her.

Nash looks at her expectantly but she seems to be at a loss for words, her mouth is partially open and her eyes are wide as she searches his.

"Nash..." she whispers and it doesn't seem like she knows what to even say. The composed Elizabeth Grier from earlier and the superiority in which she spoke to me is completely gone now.

He raises an eyebrow at her, challenging her to say something about our linked hands.

He smirks confidently when she stays silent and then we turn again and head out to his car.

The drive home is quiet but Nash caresses my hand gently.

When we arrive home and are settled in our bed Nash takes me into his arms and kisses my shoulder tenderly.

"I'm so sorry for my mother's actions, baby. It's honestly so embarrassing and I regret subjecting you to them," he murmurs tenderly and his soft lips press a gentle kiss on my neck. He intertwined both of our hands and allows me to shift our position so my face is buried in his neck. His touch and presence soothes me, any hurt I had is completely gone and it's only because of Nash.

His phone buzzes on the nightstand table and Nash glances at it but ignores it after that.

"My father," he answers softly and I stay quiet, I'm sure Elizabeth twisted the situation to make me seem like a bad guy to her husband but that's okay. Nash's opinion is the on,y one that matters to me.

The rest of our trip is uneventful. Nash ignores contact from his parents and we head home in the private jet which actually belongs to him but he allows his family to use it mainly.

When we are back in our home and with our dog I feel completely relaxed. It's my safe place, I don't have to worry about any judgment or dirty looks from Elizabeth. Nash still hasn't answered calls from his parents not because he's scared or avoiding confrontation but because he simply does not want to talk to them.

Inevitable Withdrawal  - cash au-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora