I started to hear some guys laugh and talk. I turned around and saw it was them. Luke's squad was following me. Was there going to be any peace for me today? I guess not. I sadly sighed and pretended not to notice those stupid guys and continued walking. I heard them getting closer and it arrived to a point where I couldn't continue to ignore them. I turned around and face them.

"Yo emo! How you doing?" The guy in the middle called out. Should I speak? Should I remain quiet? Would my answer even fucking change what they were going to do to me?

"Fine, thanks." I coldly said.

"Oh wow, the guy can speak!" The one on the right blurred out.

"Hey, Luke gave us some amazing news. Wanna hear it?" The one on the right said. I was about to answer but he didn't give me time to speak. "He gave us complete permission to do whatever the fuck we want with you little cunt. And guess what? I think I wanna beat somebody up. Do you guys want to do the same?" He turned to them, obviously they both nodded. They started to get closer and I just remained there in silence.

"What? You're not going to defend yourself you little wanker!" One said. I remained silent as they got closer. I was just waiting for the right time. Then there he was, close enough. I kicked him right in the balls and started to run away.

"WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING? CATCH HIM YOU IDIOTS!" He screamed while he fell on the floor for the pain. I turned around and saw them getting a lot closer. Fuck, they were faster than me. In no time they blocked me and pinned me to the ground. There was no way to escape anymore.

"Awww, little emo loner thinks he can run away from us. How adorable, now let's teach him what happens if you go against us." One of the two spoke. I started to feel pain that became numb as the number of kicks and punches grew. After insulting me some more and beating me up to their pleasure, they just left me there.

I slowly got back up and walked to the store. As soon as I entered the cashier gave me a sympathetic look. I gave him a weak smile and went straight to the alcohol session. I grabbed the beer and walked over to the man. I shoved the beer in front of him and I handed him the money.

"As I said last time I'm going to keep my promise. From now on all the alcohol for you son will be half priced. Here take this, keep it to yourself and give the rest of the money to your dad. You know, I really don't like the idea of you staying at a home with a father like that." The man said slowly as he gave the money to me. He actually remembered. I thought he was just saying that to make me feel better.

"Thank you sir, you shouldn't. I know, I don't like the idea either but I don't have to wait that much anymore. As soon as I become 18 I won't be returning to that house. I will finally be free." I told him as I put the money in my pocket.

"I'm glad to hear that. Stay strong young man." He told me. I smiled and nodded.

"I will." I said and left the store. I started to rush to his house since I had waisted a lot of time because of those stupid idiots. I bet my father will be so fucking angry with me. He must be waiting for me to arrive in the living room. I don't even want to think what he will do to me when I arrive. It would be a miracle if I was able to reach my bed tonight with at least a spot on my body without any kind of bruise. Ha, miracle. Me, being atheist talks about miracles? So ironic.

I finally reached my house and I stopped at the front porch to catch my breath a bit. I opened the door and walked straight to the living room finding my father, unsurprisingly, sitting on the couch just waiting to see me.

"Took you some time you wanker!" Was the first words he spoke to me as I entered. I got closer and handed him the beer and money.

"I'm sorry. There was a longer line than usual at the cashier." I said finding the first excuse that reached my mind. He took the beer and money from my hands and glared me in the eyes.

"BULLSHIT! We both fucking no there is like nobody there! I'll show you what the fuck happens when you act like this you dick!" He started to raise his voice and got up from the couch. I took a few steps back and bumped into the sofa. Fuck.

He grabbed me and punched me right in the nose. I tumbled and fell face forward on the ground. A sick smile creeped on his face. How could one fucking enjoy hurting their own son? Well, I guess my father...

"You are SO GODAMN USELESS! You're not even that fun as a punching bag. You don't do shit." He said and laughed as he kicked me in the back. I groaned in pain and he kneeled down and turned my face so I was facing his disgusting face.

"Oh, look a black eye. Ow, the other eye looks so out of place. Wait, let me fix that for you." He commented and punched me right in the eye. I immediately covered my face with my hands and curled myself in a ball.

"Just go to your fucking room. Don't show yourself at all for the rest of the fucking day. I don't give a fuck if you're starving or not. I don't want to see such an embarrassment like you." He sneered. I immediately nodded and ran up to my room. Well, I guess I wasn't going to eat today...

I took out my notebook and saw I just needed one more verse until I finished the song. I thought for a bit and in 20 minutes I completed the lyrics to my new song. I looked at it one more time and I noticed I still haven't gave it a name. What name could I give it? Maybe going over the chorus will help me.

Close your eyes

Pray for plagues

Oh Lord, cleanse this earth

And bring upon our Doomsday

Ok, maybe Close Your Eyes? Nah, I didn't like it. Doomsday? Nope, not that either. Pray For Plagues. I smiled at myself as I thought about it. Yeah, I liked the sound of it. There it goes, Pray For Plagues wins for title of this song. I wrote down in big letters my new chosen title, PRAY FOR PLAGUES. I closed my eyes and I imagined myself on a stage singing it, well more like screaming/growling it.

I imagined me with a band behind me playing. There would have been also a crowd of people going crazy, mosh pitting, going along with our song. And maybe there would have been Kathy also in the middle of the crowd. I mean, she did like this kind of music. You could see it by the amount of band shirts she wore. Maybe she would like the band and our songs and would be screaming along.

Oh wow Oli, you went a bit over yourself with your stupid daydreaming. I mean really? Me with a band? Like who the fuck would like to make a band with me? I mean I don't even have anybody to talk to! Think about actually having people agreeing to make music with me! It's like impossible. Plus Kathy being in the crowd? She liking my music and screaming along? I should be crazy! She would never come see me live. She must hate me with all her guts now. Why the fuck would she ever want to see a guy like me on stage?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and closed the notebook. I had enough daydreaming and stuff with music related for one day. I looked at the time and saw it was only 4 P.M. I sighed not knowing what the fuck I would for the rest of the day. I got my IPod and decided I was just going to lazily lay on my bed and enjoy my wonderful music. I clicked the shuffle button since I didn't have any artist or song I wanted to really hear. In a matter of a few seconds A Place For My Head" by Linkin Park started to play. I smiled and head banged along with the song. Man, if only I could be like them one day.

** I hope you guys liked the chapter. Sorry if it's not as interesting as the others, it was more of a filler chapter and I wanted to show you guys how Oli was living in the mean time. So I was actually planning to update the story a few days ago, however my mom decided to go to the beach for like a week and there was no wifi. So I had to spend a whole week feeling like shit because my sister would blame me for everything and my mom would got always mad at me. My whole entire family is pretty much against me. For everything that fucking happens it always end up being my fault... Anyways, feel free to give me any kind of advice **

I Don't Wanna Live Like A Broken Record (Oli Sykes)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt