Save Me ~*

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Ameen = Amen

Dunya = Arabic word for world. 


Please save me from this fire,

It's burning too deep.

It's right under my feet,

I'm trying to cling on

To whatever I can hold on,

There ain't no time left,

Just like that girl met.

She cried out for peace,

And to left go of her sorrows.

She had no way of knowing,

That there was light shining.

That there was light shining.


Forever shining.


Neverevending shining,


Please save me from this.

I don't deserve this.

This is too much to handle,

I'm gonna break any minute.

They tell me stories.

They try to tell me stories.

About  all the things

I'm missing.

But there's nothing missing.

There's never nothing missing.

There's always nothing missing.

I'm holding onto nothing.

They tell me let go.

Why don't you tell me

How to let go.

I'm gonna fall too low.

So low there ain't no tow,

No tow to get me outta here.

Out of this here dunya,

This dunya's not staying,

Its falling through my fingers.

Falling right through my fingers.

Just a little bit further,

Right through my fingers . . .

I see it pass by —

Right through my fingers.

Right in front of my eyes

Oh God.

Right in front of my eyes

Oh God.

Save me from this struggle,

This struggle I'm facing.

Help me though this struggle,

This struggle I'm facing.

Why won't you

Just take me away?

Why won't you

Just take me away?

Am I really


Am I really


Was I really


Isn't everyone






Be there mercy for us. 

©2011 Munni101

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