"I wouldn't care, that's her engagement ring for god's sake!"

"Do you think they'll fight?"

"I'll get the camera."

"There's no need for that." I said walking into the middle of the room.

"I won't be fighting anyone. Violence would just make this worse." I walked over to the cake.

I dug my hand down into it in search of my ring.

"Excuse me." I faintly heard Toby say as tears fell from my eyes and he pushed past people to get to me.

I finally found the chocolate cake covered ring. With cake stuck in every nook and cranny. I watched Hanna slide down the wall next to a bottle of Aspirin.

I turned to see everyone staring at me with wide eyes about what I would do next.

"You can all leave now." I said in my calmest voice.

Nobody budged.

"Leave now!" I screamed.

Every person hurried out the door like they were endangered.

I ran over to the sink and tried to scrub the ring but nothing would come out it just went in deeper.

"Spence." Toby came over to me and turned the sink off.

"Toby, not now."

"Hey, look at me."

"I can't right now. Just leave me alone."

He tried to take the ring from my hand but I yanked back.

"Stop! Maybe you should leave too."

"Maybe, you shouldn't shut me out like you always do. When ever there's a problem you always want to be alone and shut everyone out. Now that we're planning on getting married you've got to stop doing that." He picked up his leather jacket and walked out slamming the door behind him.

I just stood at the sink and gripped on both the edges.

"Hey." Aria said walking out of my bedroom.

"My doctor said not to be around any strange vibes. So I stepped out for a minute."

"Oh that's fine." I wiped under my eyes to clean up the smeared makeup.

"I heard what Toby said."

"Oh, well do you think he's right?"

"Well...he kinda does have a point."

"I know he does. But I'm so use to being alone. I don't really know how to react at this stage of a problem."

"How about you try letting someone in." She said while laying a hand on my arm.

I nodded and sighed.

"Oh and give me this." She took the ring from my hand.

"My uncle owns the jewelry store up the street. Pretty sure I can get a deal on getting your ring cleaned."

"Thank you." I pulled her into a hug.

"Now what are we going to do about her?" She pointed to Hanna.

"Let's move her to the couch and let her sleep. She could use some rest." I laughed.

I walked Aria to the door after carefully moving Hanna.

"Oh and one more piece of advice before I go."

"Ugh, what's that?"

"Go call your honey and fix your problems." She said batting her eyelashes.

"Bye Aria." I laughed as I shut the door behind her.

I sat on a chair while watching Hanna sleep her vodka away. I got kinda bored so I looked out the window in search of a starry night or the man on the moon, but saw Aria in her car screaming in agony.

"Hanna don't move."

She just groaned and clutched a pillow.

I ran outside slamming the door behind me and dashed towards Aria car.

"Aria open up!" I banged on the windows of her car and she slowly rolled them down.

"What's wrong." I asked her.

"The baby." She breath heavily.

"It's coming."

Okay so this was the last chapter and the story is now completed.

Next will be posted soon.

I love you all Spobians!!!


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