But it was nice to hear.

Spinning, dancing, laughing- l couldn't of felt more happier. She was soon in my arms, and she looked so beautiful in the moonlight.
"I love you."
She paused, but looked up at me, smiling.
"I love you too."


Annabeth's POV


couldn't find Omega.

When the night grew deep, a few Apollo campers came up and sung a few songs that l was too distracted to concentrate on. I decided to just enjoy the show and wait for him to show up.

And he did.

On the stage.

Jason, Leo, Frank came up on the stage too. I stared at them in shock and Omega grabbed the mike.

He wasn't such a bad singer.

I knew exactly who it was for.

The campers loved it. He had quite a lot of fans even if he was dating, and the ladies loved him.

So the cheering was mostly high pitched screaming, but l didn't mind. I could tell he was nervous, but he did well. The song ended, and the cheering nearly made me deaf. Omega smiled slightly.


All eyes turned to me. The Stoll brothers put a spotlight on me as l walked to the stage. I went up the stairs and stood infront of him, somewhat nervous and awkward in my dress. Mostly happy.

"I have a lot to say." he confessed. "I have since l met you. And that was a pretty long time ago." he sighed. "And the rest should be pretty obvious. I remember when l first met you a year ago." He ran a hand through his hair. "Even if l have a lot of things to say, it all means one thing." he smiled widely. "l love you. And..."

my heart pounded. It was....

He got on his knees.

"Will you marry me Annabeth?"

The whole camp was silent for a moment. But they started cheering.
"Say yes! Say yes!"
I sighed. "Duh."
The camp fell into silence again, anticipating my answer.

"Of course l'll marry you. Isn't that obvious?"

The camp cheered, and Omega pressed his lips onto mine, and it felt just so right for a moment.
We broke off for air, and he smiled at me.
"Now thats not all."
Suddenly, his voice sounded so familar. He gave me a sarcastic smirk.
"I guess you want to take my mask off."
He stepped close to my face and his mezmerizing sea green eyes stared into mine. "Don't you?"
l couldn't breathe. "I... I can?"
he nodded.
My fingers traced the strings of it that held it to his face. With shaky hands, l untied the string carefully.

But my eyes didn't leave his.

I slowly lifted the mask off, but he stepped out from behind it, showing his face completely.

The whole camp was silent. All the cameras had closed up on his face. I could see Travis drop his mike. It dropped to the floor with a ringing thud.
"Seaweed brain?"

"Long time no see Wise Girl."
he shut me off with a long kiss, but l broke out of it.
"I hate you." I said breathlessly.

And kissed him again, shoving my face into his.

The camp yelled, hooted, and screamed. But l could only see Percy. As soon as we broke out of our kiss, Percy was sabotaged by Jason, Frank, and Leo.

"Where were you?" Frank asked.
He shrugged. "Somewhere."
Jason just stared at him, shocked. "I can't believe you were... Omega."
"We missed you."
"I did too." he smiled.
Before we knew it, a blur of dark green hugged Percy tight.
"Ohmygodslcan't believe-"
"Gods Piper. You don't really need to jump on me."
Hazel pecked his cheek. "I can't believe you're back."
Thaila slapped him on the cheek, hard.
"How dare you just come up to us and smile like that. Do you know how worried we were?! How come you never gave us a sign you were alive?"
She paused. "We missed you Kelp Head!"
and hugged him tight.
I saw others welcome him, and the soldiers looked pretty shocked.

And Theo.

He stood there for a moment.

And hugged Percy tight.

It was just this big reuinion. And nobody could describe it. After the party, Percy and l met at the beach. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we just sat there, huddled, enjoying each other's presence.
"Wise Girl?"
"Didn't you have a clue about who l was?"
"No. I wasn't thinking about it."
"Wise Girl not thinking. The world is going to end."
I nudged him. "I can't believe you were Omega."
"Yeah." he sighed. "I do too."
He pecked me on the cheek. "Atleast were together."

"As long as we're together Seaweed Brain." I said.
"As long as we're together Wise Girl." he agreed.



Crappy chapter T.T srry. Next will be epilogue and sneak peek.

Thanks for reading and comment please

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now