Chapter 11

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Victors POV

I sighed as I watched Omega watch Annabeth from a distance. I felt uncomfortable looking at him stare at Annabeth. Nobody seemed to notice. I took a bite of my breakfast uncomfortable. I looked at him like 'knock it off!' but he ignored my gaze. Alpha nudged him and he tore his eyes off of Annabeth. I sighed. I didn't know why he liked Annabeth. Athena didn't seem very nice. I went to the fire and scraped the leftovers in the fire.

"To Apollo." I mumbled.

I looked at Omega. I didn't know why he was out here. He wasn't okay yet, I knew.

He was a stupid idiot.

Luke moved to the Hermes table, next to Connor and Travis, leaving Omega alone. The others were at their tables. Zoe was happily chatting away with Thalia, and Bianca with Nico. Lee was sitting next to me, talking with Will. Beckendorf was talking in another way, making things and showing them to Leo who did the same. Silena was talking with Piper.

And Percy was looking at Annabeth. Again.

I went to his table, the new table that was put for the Chaos soldiers.

"Knock it off!" I hissed.

He turned to me. "Oh. Hi."

I sighed. "How did you crawl out."

"I crawled put the window!" he said proudly.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't be okay. You been puking your guts out the whole night."

he shrugged. I put a hand on his forehead. He was hot. He shook my hand off.

"Are your wounds okay?"

He looked away.

I rubbed my face. "You-" I sighed. "You're not going to the council today."

he nodded listlessly, looking at Annabeth.

I hit him on the back of his head. "Stop it!"

He scowled as he turned to me. "Hey!"

I pulled him to the infirmary. He whined on his way that he wasn't hurt, nor sick. I shoved him in the room and locked the door and window.

I took his temperature right away. I unbandaged all his bandages. They seemed worse. After he was fixed up, I told him to lay down. He obeyed.

"Keep your wounds clean- they're infected. And tell me when you feel sick." I put a cold cloth on his forehead. "Rest. You'll need it." I went out, hanging my gown on a peg.

"Why didn't Omega come?"

"He's sick."

Alpha frowned. "He was fine a few minutes ago."

I scowled. "He's sick though. I don't know what he's trying to do."

Alpha nodded.

We all sat around the ping pong table.

"So. Is Omega coming or not? We're leaving tommorow."

"He's not going."

"Okay. So whoes going?"

Annabeth, Nico, and Clarisse raised their hand.

"I don't think I can go. Artemis called us for a hunt. She's out for a monster." Thaila said.

"Then who can go?" Connor asked.

Renya raised her hand.

"So Nico, Annabeth, Clarisse, and Renya? Okay." Piper turned to Nico. "Do you know where exactly you are going to go?"

He shook his head. "We need a tree, a dead one. And that tree..." he paused. "I can do it when we get there. We go to Canada, get to a graveyard, and bring back the sapling. Right?"

"Lets meet tommorow at 7am." Renya said.

"okay. At the tree?"

"Tree stump." Thaila corrected.

They nodded. Everyone filed out, knowing there was nothing more to talk about. I went last after Renya. Her hair was up.

"Why do you tie your hair?"

"Its comfortable."

I shrugged.

"You look better with your hair down."

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن