Chapter 68

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So as l said, this chapter will be split into two endings. The last one is the real ending, so deal with it.

Yeah. Chapter

This will later split into two parts.

Annabeth's POV

This was getting really weird.

Suddenly, Tartarus was Percy. His sword, T-shirt, beads, the way he stood, the way he spoke, even the way his eyes sparkled were the same. It was so confusing.


I flinched.

"I thought you loved me." his eyes were sad- too sad for me to bear. "I thought you would wait for me." He sighed.

"I admit it. He is better than me."

"Why- why are you Tartarus?" Thaila's voice was shaky.

"I'm not." Percy said. He pointed at Omega. "He is."

The whole camp shook at his words. Victor squirmed in his hands. The girl in the left looked up at horror at Percy.

"Tartarus." he said smoothly. His voice wasn't shaky at all. "I'm sorry, but l think l don't know you."

He took off his mask, and he didn't shimmer, or change forms.

He was Percy.

The two Percy's glared at each other.
"This won't work Tartarus." The Percy that just became Percy from Tartarus said. P1
The other Percy P2 looked down. "I swear on the River styx that this is my real form."
The whole camp broke out in whispers. I still couldn't get this through my head. So Omega was Percy.
"Can't you stop the river from flowing? It's one of your vessels anyway." P1 asked. He held up both of his prisoners.
"These two had been helping Tartarus. This was just all a big show." He tilted his head. "He- Tartarus was controlling my mind, telling me to do things- and he tortured me in that room- and l finally broke out of his control."
P2 took a deep breath. "Annabeth. I trust you."
I walked slowly towards the two Percy's. P1 stared at me calmly. P2 wouldn't meet my eyes.
P2 closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Annabeth."
His voice was lower than a whisper. He didn't need to say much.
"Please. I know you can save the camp." P1 said. I took a step foward. Both faces wanted to make me cry. P1's face was exactly the same. The sarcastic smile that l had loved too dearly was plastered on his face. His eyes were the same, happy and bright. When l looked at Omega, or P2, he was different. There was a gray streak in his hair, probably made again. His eyes were flecked with gold and shattered beyond repair. And he wasn't smiling.
I sighed.


I took a step foward and kissed Percy.

Grabbing him by his cloak, l didn't care for anything, not even if l had chose the wrong Percy.

Omega was Percy.

I pulled back. "Please don't tell me you were lying."
He smiled widely. "I love you Wise Girl."
I let a smile take over my whole face. Tartarus was still in Percy's form. His form shimmered and turned back into Tartarus. He sighed.
"Well, l guess that didn't work." He stared at Percy. "I never expected that. You must of been desperate."
"Let. Them. Go." He snarled.
"Oh." he held up Victor and the girl. "Them?"

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now