Chapter 38

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Annabeth's POV

We were ready for war.

I was in the Athena tent, while Malcom was pointing things out on a map.
I looked outside and caught a glimsp of Omega in full armor, with Victor next to him, talking to him. He was obviously irritated. When was he not? Omega didn't seem to her him. He was deploying out campers and soldiers. I remembered the wave of greek fire. He had killed them all. Victor had ran in first, and freaked out when he saw that he had no left hand. Omega was confused. He was pulled to the infirmary, and lost consciousness there.
Malcom snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?"
He sighed. "You're to distracted. You're going to get hurt."
I got the hint.
"I can fight."
"I agree."
Omega stepped inside, lowering his head to come in. He glanced at me. "Tartarus said he would go for you. You should stay somewhere safe."
"I can keep myself safe."
"No you can't!" he snarled. "Tartarus is attacking for one reason- you. He's only after you, no one else. Every monster is after you."
Shocked at his angry words, I took a step back. "This is because of me?"
"No- I don't mean it like that-"
"Camp is in danger because of me."
Malcom put a hand on my shoulder. "Annabeth, calm down." he shot Omega a glare. "This is just an attack to get a upper hand in the war."
"Which is killing me."
"Annabeth." Omega said. He looked straight into my eyes. "I lost every child of Athena that I was close to. He's just doing the same thing again. For me. Please?"
I took a deep breath. "I'm fighting."
"Don't be stubborn." Omega's eyes were cold. "Malcom- don't let her get out of the tent. I don't care what you do- just don't let her fight." he left the tent, his cloak swirling between his legs. For a split second, I wondered how it didn't get tangled in his legs. Malcom grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the infirmary.
"Malcom! Come on-"
Malcom pushed me in. "Will, Annabeth will be helping you. Don't let her get out."
Jade pulled me in to the infirmary.
"You can give us bandages, and the ambrosia. Just come if we call you."
In the bustling of Apollo kids, I felt useless. I heard the yelling outside. Swords clashing.

I was a daughter of Athena.


My whole body itched to fight. My ADHD mind finally took over me. I took out my folded cap and put it on.
"Thanks mom."
I took out my dagger and slipped out of the infirmary.


I stuck a dagger in a hellhound's back and watched it turn to dust. Nobody noticed that an invisible demigod was weaving through the monsters forces and killing them.

It was war, which meant chaos.

I could see Omega blasting monsters with greek fire. Some of the monsters started choking on air. Some shrivled up and died. Some were frozen in time, or moving slowly like they were in amber. His eyes glowed with power as he slashed his sword through the wave of monsters. The arrows didn't bother him. Neither the swords. His wings unfolded, blasting monsters back. I slashed through a dracnae. I ducked to avoid a net and cut it through. I felt my cap get knocked off by the net.
Monsters moved their target to me. Omega slashed through he last monsters. He ran towards me. Daggers, arrows, and monsters were coming towards me.

They're after you.

I stabbed the first monster and kicked back one. Suddenly, a tall, big man appeared. He had a big, black sword. He smiled evilly.


But it wasn't pain that met me.

A scent of the sea, a salty smell enclosed me. Dark, soft clothes. Black armor. I heard hundreds of arrows embedding themselfs in skin.
"Gods, Annabeth. Are you okay?"
Omega cupped my face. His mask didn't seem emotionless. His sea green eyes shone right through.

I knew how to read them.


I winced slightly as something cold and sharp dug into my stomach. Pain exploded from that cut. It was odd, it was only a small cut. Omega pulled me back, and my eyes widened. A tip of a sword was poking out of his own stomach, probably Tartarus.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I-" his face contorted in pain as the sword tip dissapeared, leaving a gaping hole. He grasped my shoulder and gasped for breath. Tartarus had pulled the sword out.
"A shame." he tutted. "Could of killed her."
"Get out of this camp Tartarus." Omega snarled. He had difficultly straightening up. I stared in horror as he faced Tartarus. "I'm not losing anything from now."
Tartarus' sword was on his neck. Omega was bending over again, his eyes clouded in pain.
"No Omega. You're losing your life."
I was frozen and terrified. But Omega had the nerve to laugh. "You're going to kill me? Wow. Thought you could have more fun with me." he pushed his neck into the sword, letting it dig in. "Kill me."
Tartarus scowled and the sword dropped. "Don't worry. You'll feel more pain than dying." He said to Omega.

And everything went black.


Victor's POV

Omega went crazy.

I barely had him bandaged, and now he was sitting beside her bed, his head in his hands. I couldn't tell if he was crying. Nobody had the nerve to ask. That sword had a pain curse. Everybody knew that. The sword that was used on Annabeth didn't, I tried experimenting. After Omega calmed down, I could treat him without getting killed. He still hadn't changed out of his blood stained clothes, and his hair was matted with blood. The dark room made the atmosphere much sadder. Will looked guilty. He knew Omega didn't blame anyone but himself. I put a hand on his shoulder.
"Omega, you should eat." I said soothingly. "Get some rest."
"He'll come back when I'm gone." he said with a shaking voice. "She was right behind me." his voice had a hint of hysteria. "Rigt behind me."
I sighed softly. "Stay here then. I'll bring you food." I gestured at Will to come out with me.

"She's not going to die, is she?"

His voice stopped me.

My face fell.
I hated lying.

"She's not. Don't worry."

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