Chapter 2

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Omega's POV

Where was she?

My eyes caught her frozen, her gray eyes looking up at the air. I dropped my crutches and limped to her and pulled her towards me.


hundreds of black arrowheads imbedded itself in the marble floor where she just was.


Everyone made a big rush to the doors. People pushed me to the ground and they stepped on my hands and tripped over my leg. I heard gods yelling at demigods to stay calm. They scrambled to their feet and ran away, and I saw a hand reaching out for me. I grabbed it. Annabeth helped me up, and I winced as she held my hand tight. She let go and held it up. My fourth finger looked funny and my thumb was bent over. Also, my hand throbbed.


I hid my hand in my black cloak.



I paled. Not him too. Tartarus had too many people to aim at.

"Get out!" I yelled. "Go to the elevator!" I didn't know if he heard me, but I didn't hear anything else from him.

I put Annabeth in front of me.

"Go. I'll be behind you."

She ran, and I flapped my wings open and flew. My wings blocked the small arrowheads.

Annabeth suddenly stopped.

I swooped down next to her. "Why?"

"Theo!" she cried.

I flew up, and looked in front. I saw him in front of us with the crowd.

"He's fine." I assured, landing next to her. "He's front of us."

She nodded and ran again, and I hovered over the ground. I landed next to her when we were behind the crowd.

I winced. I felt hundreds of little arrow heads embed itself in my back, also a few went through my cloak and grazed my head, leaving deep cuts. a few was in by cast and in my leg that was okay.

Thankfully, nobody was behind me. The elevator doors opened, and I went in the crowded elevator. I was pressed to the wall, and the arrowheads were pushed in deeper.

"Mom!" Theo had pushed his way toward Annabeth, and she fussed over him. Apart from the arrowhead wound in his shoulder, he seemed fine. I felt blood trickle down my head. I felt a little dizzy.


Annabeth looked down, and I followed her eyes. On the elevator floor, blood dripped from my cloak slowly. I blinked and tried to steady myself by leaning on the wall. But I toppled foward onto Annabeth, and Annabeth caught me. I had completely bent over, and she gasped when she saw by back. I winced as she pulled out a arrowhead carefully. She gave to Theo, who straightened me up.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me?" He asked.

I nodded slowly. Everything was a little fuzzy and I was dizzy, but other than that, okay. I couldn't really feel anything from my back anymore. It felt numb. Was that right?The elevator dinged and everyone poured out. I leaned on Theo and limped out, and he steadied me.

"Omega!" I heard Victor. I straightened. Was he okay? I stumbled towards him.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"I told you we should go back early!"

I sighed. My knees buckled. Victor caught me before I fell face first into the ground.

"Your cast- where did you put your crutches?"

"No ones hurt badly?"



"Nobody else."

I sighed in relief. "Lets go to camp." I said tiredly.

I leaned on Victor and I limped to the car. I was last to ride, and my head drooped. I was tired. But I couldn't close my eyes. Victor was picking out the arrow heads, leaving my back just a ripped layer of flesh. He took of my hood and parted my hair to see the cut. I flinched as he cleaned the cut. It was cold.

"Cold." I mumbled.

"I know."

He put a bandage on it, and put my hood back on. By then, we were at camp already. Some campers helped me off the van, and Victor took me to the infirmary. He took of my cloak and I took of my hoodie and shirt, and he cleaned the wound which stung. I still felt a bit dizzy and drowsy. He wrapped the bandage around my abdomen after putting a medicine onto the wounds. My hand was bandaged, and it looked like a club. He made me lay in bed.

"Sleep." he went out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

I sighed. The bandages were uncomfortable. The sheets rustled as I tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. After turning in everyway possible, I stayed still. I closed my eyes, but I suddenly thought of the arrowhead.

He was obviously trying to kill Annabeth. But not me. He could of sent it to my head or neck,but he sent it to my back. I shook my head. I needed to keep Annabeth safe.

But how?

I had mixed feelings right now. I really didn't know what to do. I was badly injured,and I was in a weak state. I knew that it was the perfect time to strike. I fingered the small glass bottle that Chaos gave to me. Maybe, but after getting this, my dreams were better. But there was always dreams. But they were shorter.

I closed my eyes and emptied my head, trying to go to sleep.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now