Chapter 5

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Omega's POV

"We are having problems with the border." Chiron said. "We need something to replace Thalia's Tree."

"Can't the gods just give us another tree?" Katie asked.

"But they would need a sacrifice." Malcom said.

"Than someone could and we could just bring them back to life with the fleece?"

"We can't be sure that will work. So who would want to sacrifice then?" Annabeth said.

"What can we do?"

"The gods told us a place where there are... ingredients to make the tree."

"What are the ingredients?"

"Souls. Angry ones. A tree from that area is like Thailia's tree."

"So we can go and get one!"

"But its not that easy. The range of the wall, the strength of it matters. We need to find a tree for that."

"How can we match that?"

"Find the dead dryad in Canada. Plant the tree at a graveyard. Bring it back."

"How do we find a dead dryad?"

"Nico should know."

He nodded reculently.


"I don't think three people should go. This is.... Important."

"Nico should go. Any volunteers?"

Clarisse, Thaila, and Annabeth raised their hands.

"You sure Annabeth?"

She nodded.

I raised my hand.

"Omega? But... Your leg...."

"It will be fine in a week. And it should better going when its warmer. I herad its going to rain this week."


"Are you coming?"

he sighed. "Then I'll go too." Victor said flatly.

"So... Nico, Clarisse, Thaila, Annabeth, Omega, and Victor? Six people."


"Lets leave next Tuesday." Thaila said.


And the council adjourned.


"You're kidding me."

"Why?" I said.

"You're going on a quest! You're crazy!"

"I'm fine now. I can use water and eat ambrosia. It will heal in a week."

"You're leg got completely crushed."

"I'll only have a slight limp by then."

"You have to go?"

I sighed while hanging my cloak on the wall. "Yes Victor. This is important."

He bit his lip. "But what if you get hurt again?"

"You're coming with me." I assured.

He shook his head. "You're not worried at all."

"Theres nothing I get from worrying."

He sighed. "You don't understand me. Can't you not do anything dangerous for a while? And listen to me?"

"I'm not sure Victor. I'll listen to you. What I can."

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Where stories live. Discover now