Chapter 39

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Omega's POV

When everyone was gone, I started to cry.

I couldn't help it.

I held her pale hand, doubting Victor's words of assurance. My hot tears fell on her hand. My heart felt like it was in a bear trap- getting squeezed between these big iron teeth. I didn't care about the excruciating pain in my stomach, or all the throbbing cuts.

I just wanted her to wake up.


I had fell asleep sometime.

I groaned and sat up, trying to get rid of my headache. I winced as a sharp jolt of pain came from the wound. No Tartarus. Maybe he was giving me a break. I sighed and leaned back. No Victor. A plate of food was on my dresser, still somewhat warm. Looking outide it was probably my breakfast. A bottle of white pills were next to it. I gave a silent thank you to Victor and ate only half of the food. I swallowed the pills and went to Annabeth's room. Victor was there. He was talking to Will.

He looked serious.

I peeked inside and listened to their converation.
"-water from the river Styx on that sword, we need to change the blood completely. But how?"
"We can't be sure that her blood will purify itself. The river Styx is impossible to really."
"She will die if we just wait."


My hand clapped over my mouth.


He lied.


"Wait. I think-"

Will's eyes widened when he saw me.
Victor pushed him back. "Omega, I can explain-"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
My voice was scary. He flinched. Silent fury swelled up in me.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Victor sighed. "Why do you think I did?"
I swallowed down my anger. "I can use my powers."
"You know. What will happen. It's too hard."
I knew that it was hard splitting two liquids, expecially if it is not water. It would give me an overdose, and more because it was a large amount.
"I can do it."
"No. You can't." he cut off. "Go."
"I have to do it."
"We'll just have to hope."
I pushed past both of them, and Victor tried to grab me. My left hand fell off, and I grabbed Annabeth's wrist. I felt the painful sensation in my lungs. I made a small cut on her arm. Black water flowed from her arm. I controlled more to come out. I couldn't breathe. Victor tried to pull me away, but I was stronger. I held my ground. There was more left. My knees buckled and I barely stood. I didn't have any power left.



Styx water flowed onto my skin and right through my bandages. The acidic water burned my skin. I knelt beside her, my strength gone. More hands pulled at me. I was dragged back, but my grasp on Annabeth's wrist was still tight. She was dragged along with me, Styx water flowing from the wound. The floor hissed and burned. Someone yelped as the water touched their skin.

I could only see Annabeth.

I was almost done. Almost.

I let the last of the drops drip out.


I was waiting for darkness.

But somehow, I never got there. The pain was still there. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. My eyes were open, and I was gasping for breath.


A faint river appeared in front of me.


I tried to fight my way back to the white, blank room but somehow it just pulled me closer.


I took a deep breath only to waste my strength.

Why did it hurt so much?




I'm waiting for you.

Why aren't you coming?

And one last hopeless breath called one name.


Srry. Short.

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