Chapter 49

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Annabeth's POV

You could of said that Omega had drowned in a pool of blood.

When I woke, he was next to me, in a new cloak. Blood trickled out his mouth. His eyes were half open, half revealing his beautiful sea green eyes. He grasped my hand, and it felt as cold as a corpse.
The smell of blood was as almost as strong as the scent of the sea.
"Good morning."
his voice was hoarse. With sigh, he put his head on my shoulder.
"Omega, you nee-"
"Just a while."
I glanced at him. His eyes were closed, which somehow dissapointed me. Sighing, I leaned on him too, feeling solace from him by being at his side. Despite my mixed emotions, I slipped away from him and got the pitcher of water. I poured a tin cup full of water and gave it to him. He opened his eyes and stared at it. He pushed it towards me.
"You first."
I sighed. "Omega-"
"I'm not drinking before you do."
I sighed and sipped the water and gave it to him after filling the cup again. He drank the whole cup, and put the cup on the tray. He tucked his legs in and dropped his head in between his knees. I wanted to do something, but fear gnawed in me. I hated it. I swallowed and tried to go to him, but suddenly, a monster opened the cell door. Two cyclops's came in and pulled Omega out, and I froze, thinking that they would take me too. But completely ignoring me, they only took him. I ran up to the door, but they locked it behind them. I peered through the wall as they took him into the darkness. He looked back once. I looked down to see something shiny on the floor.

The key.


Thankfully, nobody was watching.

I had found my dagger in a nearby cell. It was easy to knock out the monster. I felt much better with the dagger in my hand. I knew I needed to get Omega when Tartarus's session was over. I couldn't face him. In my jacket pocket, I had a square of ambrosia. I needed to give it to him later. I looked around, and walked towards where I thought was the room with my back to the wall. The hallways were dark. If I just-

Something grabbed me roughly from the back, and I blacked out.


I was thrown in the room to my dismay.

Omega was already mangled and was on the ground. Fresh blood had pooled around him. Not thinking, I crawled over to him fratically and cupped his face with my hands. His eyelashes fluttered, as if he wanted to wake up but couldn't. I looked up at Tartarus, whoes black robes were covered in so much blood even the black robes had a red tinge to it. The ends dripped with blood.

Omega's blood.

The sight of it made me so angry it made me want to stab him with my dagger, but I knew that would make it worse. I yelped as he kicked me to the side. A dagger got stuck in my calf, and before I had any time to make a sound, he slashed his sword across my side. His foot stepped on my arm without a sound, and the sound it made told me it was broken. A few lashes of the whip made my whole body burn. Tartarus pushed my head to the wall and it made a sickening crack as I hit the blood stained wall. I caught a glimpse of Omega, who had woken up and was struggling to stand up. He caught my eye and mouthed one word.




He gave me a hard look.


It all happened in a flash.

Tartarus lost his grip on me. A part of his arm started swelling up gold, and I made one big cut where that was with my dagger, and ichor poured out. I ran, I ran as fast as I could, passing shocked monsters and angry ones too. I couldn't believe I was leaving Omega. I ran recklessly, not thinking. My heart and brain beat together for once.



Out was my only thought as I ran through the dark stone hallways. Somehow, tears managed to squeeze themselfs out of my eyes. I stumbled, and my ankle twisted under me but I didn't stop. Stairs.

I ran up, not paying attention to my bleeding calf or my throbbing ankle.

All I wanted was out.

I could see light. The sunlight. I almost laughed. Running out, I bumped into something.


"Oh my gods! Annabeth!"

Thaila's shockingly blue eyes met mine, and I couldn't help it.

I burst out crying.
"Are you okay?"
"Wheres Omega?"
"He's-" I swallowed. "He's still down there." I sobbed. "Tartarus," I hiccuped. "He's holding him down- and-" I couldn't connect my words. I burst into tears again, and warm arms wrapped around me. I could hear Victor shouting. I broke down in Luke's arms as the whole stone underground building collasped.

I gasped and crawled to the remains that what looked like a big sinkhole.




Luke and Jason searched for Omega.

Victor treated my wounds, but right after, he searched for Omega along with the others. Piper and Thaila tried to ask me questions and comfort me, but it felt surreal.

He was gone?

But he lived through all that!

I shook my head and pulled my blankets closer.

He was alive.

He had to be.

"He's alive, right?"
her eyes turned sad. "Of course he is Annie. Who is he?"
Luke, Jason, and Victor came back with nothing but dust. Victor was pale, while Luke and Jason looked weary. It looked like if everyone had aged a few years. Victor exhaled and sat down.
"Lets sleep here. We can look for him in the morning."
The boys nodded and started taking out sleeping bags. The sun was already setting. By the time Thaila made a fire, the sun had set and the stars showed up. I crawled in the sleeping bag and fell asleep after a short, sad, day.


It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora