Chapter 64

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Omega's POV

"You can't tell me because that would put me in trouble."

Annabeth was asking that a lot lately.

I would nod it over and smile, as if nothing happened. But I knew it was bothering her- and me too. She didn't visit much. She said she was busy, but she looked nervous when she said that. I didn't know why she was acting like this. After I came out of the infirmary, we didn't see each other much. We were both busy. This morning, when I was thinking about making a alliance with another planet, I found a note on the table.

Meet me at the beach


I picked off the sticky note and scraped all my uneaten food in the brazier. I went to the beach quickly, elated with the thoughts of seeing Annabeth.
I saw the her sitting on the white sand. I snuck up quietly behind her and wrapped my arms around her, breathing in her soft scent. She didn't laugh. She just wiggled out of my arms and stared at me with blank eyes.
I sat down, wondering why she was so serious.
"Are you sure hiding your idenity is keeping me safe?"
Shocked, I looked at her with wide eyes. "Of course!"
"I'm really sorry, but it sounds like an excuse to me."
"So you're saying that I don't want to reveal who I am."
She looked away. "Can't you tell me the truth?"
"But I just did!"
"Well I can't help myself from getting curious, can't I?" she snapped.
"I want to be able to trust you completely. Right now it feels like I'm walking with my eyes closed."
"Can't you trust me for that one thing?"
Her eyes flared. "I can't! Do you know how frustrating it is?"
She stomped away, and I coudn't help but follow her.
She stopped in the middle of camp. "If you're just going to lie to me like that, I don't need you."
"I'm not-"
"I don't need your excuses."
"Can you just-"
"Can't you just stop lying?"
A wave of anger over came me. "WILL YOU JUST LISTEN?!"
Everyone went quiet. I sighed.
"Annabeth, let me explain. I-"
The look in her eyes made me falter. I took a step towards her, but she ran off, leaving me with a bunch of campers staring at me. I was taken aback by het words, but l knew it was my fault. But how could I prove it that l wasn't lying.

I looked down at the ground and wished for my feet to sink in, down down down, finally covering my head and suffocating to death.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Just wait. Then I'll tell you everything."


Annabeth's POV

"I think you should wait."

I hugged my pillow tight to my chest. "What if he's lying?"
"Does it look like it?"
I shook my head. "I'm trying to think logically Piper."
"But that was a bit harsh." she said, examining her nails.
I sighed and dropped my head. "I'm not sure if I can trust him."
"Annabeth, you guys started dating a few weeks ago."
"You know what I'm talking about." I said in a muffled voice.
She paused screwing off the bottle of manicure. "I think I know."
"I'm trying- but it doesn't work."
She resumed painting her nails a dark blue with white stripes. "Remember he is too. He's been through a lot."
I lifted my head. "I don't know if we could work this out."
"Your pride is working against that."
I scowled. "You should go out now. The kids hate the smell of manicure."
She shrugged. "I hope you can work it out."
She packed her stuff and went out of the cabin, and l flopped back on my bed.
I just wanted to know.


I didn't see him the next day.

Which was totally a relief but somewhat irritated me because I was biting my fingernails off fretting of how to confront him. I could feel a few stares. Leaving half of my food, I stood up to go and train the younger kids. Sorting out my schedual, I walked to the arena. Someone grabbed me by the shoulder, and I turned around half scared that it would be Omega. It was Ethan, but he didn't look happy. In his long black cloak, he was quite intimadating. His hard golden eyes looked down at me. They were nothing like Hazel's, they were more of a golden brown, but as hard as stone.
I regarded him. "Why?"
"I don't know why you fought with Commander, but you should apologize."
Anger flared up in me. "Why should I? He did something wrong too."
Ethan snorted. "What. Yelled at you? I nearly got killed when l asked about his mask."
I swallowed. "How can you be sure when you don't even know who he is?"
"I know who he is. He's our Commander. And I can trust him." he looked down on me at disgust. "I thought you actually liked him."
I clenched my fists. "We can work this out."
I flinched. "How dare you speak of him." I snarled.
"Thats a touchy subject, isn't it? You would like to kill me on the spot. Thats the same thing with Commander. He's working hard to please you."
"It's hard for Annabeth too." Reyna said, standing beside me. "And you shouldn't be saying his name like that."
It was nice to have a warlike friend on my side. Clad in armor and her purple cloak, she didn't look any less intimidating than Ethan.
He glared at her. "You don't know about him."
"Do you?" she said smoothly.
Ethan scowled, but Victor stood next to him.
"I do." he said as smoothly as Reyna. "And he was stressing over this longer than you. You should try to understnad him first."
Something swayed in Reyna's eyes. "I need to go." she said tightly.
She left my side, and l felt extremely small. Ethan huffed and left, and Victor barely aknowledged me before leaving.

Maybe I was wrong.

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