Chapter 9

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Victor's POV

Omega looked at the sword intently. I felt uncomfortable. I didn't know how he came here.

"It's Tartarus." he said blandly, as if he didn't care, but I couldn't see his true feelings. He was good at hiding them.


"I don't think there's a pain curse on this." he said, swiping a finger on the blade. Blood dripped from a miniature cut. "We need to get the tree fast. It will help keep Tartarus out."

"But we can't be sure. Tartarus never came in before." Malom said.

"We can try. We can't just let Tartarus kill us all." Renya said.

Omega handed the sword to a Athena camper. "Take this to the forge. Melt it. And throw away the remains."

"Wait!" Malcom grabbed the camper's arm. "We need to investigate more. We aren't sure."

Omega looked down at Malcom coldly. "He can use this sword to come back here more easily than before. You have a big brain. Use it."

Malcom turned red but let the camper go. The camper glanced at both of them and left the cabin.

"How do you know about Tartarus so well Commander?" Renya asked politely.

Omega stiffened. "I-" he paused. "He tried his tricks on me." he looked at Annabeth. "You should know too. About the nightmares."

She nodded slowly, obviously knowing why there was a 'too' in there.

"Yes. But I mostly had hallucinations. Percy had a lot of nightmares...."

Malcom and Chiron was silent. I shot Omega a look. I didn't know much about his nightmares. He didn't like talking about them and even if he did, he would tell me very little.

Thinking about it, I had only seen him asleep a few times until I came here.

"He's going to terrorize the camp with nightmares. He could start like this, showing what he could do." Omega said sharply, breaking the tension.

"But Hades have the daemons of nightmares under his powers." Annabeth said.

"But they are evil my dear. They would be more loyal to Tartarus." Chiron said.

Malcom sighed. "What can we do?"

"Find the tree." Omega said. "We can think later."

"You told me to think." Malcom said.

Omega sighed. "Think. About getting a girlfriend."

Malcom turned red. "You don't have a girlfriend either!"

"I wasn't single my whole life." he snorted.

He turned a bit redder but didn't say anything.

"Omega. Why did you come out?" I said.

He sensed that I was angry. "Uh-"

"What do you mean?" Chiron looked confused. "He was looking for you in the infirmary."

I realized he had tricked Chiron that he had been looking for me in the infirmary. Now he was the one to look uncomfortable.

Malcom frowned. "Yeah. Didn't Victor say you were-"

Omega kicked him and he went silent.

Chiron seemed to be getting it. Omega bit his lip.

"Victor, I can ex-"

"I need to lock your door now." I sighed. "Come on. I don't want to yell at you."

He followed me as I went out of the cabin. "Are you mad? I was looking for you and I heard that you were at the Zeus cabin because of Jason-" he hesitated. "How's Jason?"

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt