Chapter 31

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Omega's POV

It was hard.

Curled up, knees tucked in, while breathing in the familiar scents of Chaos, blood, and dreams of my room.
It reminded me of the times when I was weak, helpless, the times when Chaos didn't even know I was there. My teeth chattered in the cold air, and wrapped myself in blankets.

I didn't know what to do now.

Dillan was rebelling.
I didn't want to kill anyone now. I was scared now. Helpless. Weak. Drowning.
I closed my eyes, not wanting to see this world anymore. I hated it.

I wanted to go back to camp.

It was my home- even if I had lived here for so long, longer than camp. I belonged in the Posiedon cabin, under the gods, smelling the sea, and breathing the Earth air. I sighed. Being here made me inhuman. Invincible. But also that weak in the inside. I felt my bandages, and touched where the scar was carefully. It was healing- slowly. I sighed and streched my legs out, opening my eyes. I couldn't just sit here.

My legs led me to the training room, and I went inside the room unconsiously. Old memories here overwhelmed me, and I tried to forget everything that happened. The simple clock on the wall showed it was an hour before lunch. I took out the dummy and set it to hard. Dancing around with it, my thoughts wandered. I ducked as the dummy slashed at my neck. I wasn't suprised. But I wasn't used to this, so I had no idea what to do. Dodging, slashing, hacking away at the dummy did nothing to it, since it never tired. Tired, I finshed it off quickly and went out, going to the mess hall. I went to where I usually sat. There were only a few people, and half of them bowed to me. I guessed the others were on Dillan's side. The rest filed in, two or three in each little group. Annabeth came in with Zoe, and my worries seemed to melt. She was smiling, and I could feel the corners of my lips lifting.
She smiled and sat next to me. Victor did the same.
"It's really amazing here." Annabeth said. "Zoe gave me a tour around here."
I smiled. "I knew you would like it here."
I willed for a pizza to appear on my plate. Annabeth stuck her fork in her spagetti and started to eat. I did the same, whil Victor played around with absentmindedly. People seemed suprised that I was eating, plus with a girl and Victor by my side. I finshed a slice of pizza and moved onto the next one. I took a bite.

Something was weird.

Not the pizza.

A whizzing sound came from nowhere, and my eyes caught a knife. I caught it mid air, right in front of Annabeth. Her eyes widened. I had caught the blade, and blood dripped down on the table cloth. Pain exploded in my abdomen. I saw a knife embedded at my side. I pulled it out carelessly and scanned the crowd, acting unfazed. I saw a tall, skinny boy with gray eyes stare back at me. I ripped the tablecloth and wrapped both knifes and threw it back to him.
"It's not nice to throw knifes at people when they are eating." I said cooly.
He shrugged and put the knifes away. "My fingers slipped."
I gritted my teeth. The pain in my abdomen was getting stronger, and I knew the feeling to well.
"Lovely knifes. Where did you get them? From Tartarus?"
The wave of soldiers rippled. Dillan smirked.
"Why do you think so?" he tossed the knife. "It hurts?" he asked, his voice dripping with fake sympathy.
"Of course it does." I said. "It is called a pain curse after all." I smiled at him, but not in a nice way. "I would love to eat the rest of my pizza before it gets cold."

Suddenly, I was pinned to the wall. Dillan had his knife to my neck.

"I'm going to kill you here." he explained. I pushed him down to the floor, and soon, he was on the floor with his knife against his own neck.
"Not today."
he shrugged. "Look at Annabeth."
a cold feeling washed over me. I pulled him up by his shirt. I saw Annabeth with a knife to her neck by one soldier behind her. Zoe had her sword out, but wasn't moving. Victor was also frozen. Annabeth's eyes were flitting around, and she met my eyes.

They were hard.

"She is a guest. She will not be harmed." I said coldly. My voice was steely calm, and somewhat scary to myself. The soldier gulped but pressed the knife closer.
Anger surged up in me, and I barely kept it down.

I would not-

A droplet of blood formed on her neck, and Annabeth grimaced slightly.

Anger took over me like a wave.

The soldier's body exploded, covering Annabeth in blood and gore. She flinched.
I threw Dillan to the floor.
"I told you." I snarled.
He smiled and flickered, and he was suddenly somewhere else, in the crowd of soldiers.
"I have people on my side."

And half of the soldiers charged- at me.

It's Me (Second book of Call me Omega)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن