Chapter 57

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Omega's POV

"Can't we go back to our planet for a while?"

I stared at Victor. "Why?"
"I want to do a few tests- we need to find out whats wrong. And the equipment is there."
I scowled. "I'm fine."
"Then what happened yesterday."
"My condition wasn't good, and I am perfectly fine."
I stood up with my plate, ignoring him and the stares. I didn't need Victor ruining my appetite when I already didn't have one. I went to the brazier and scraped my food in it. I needed to let out some stress. Annabeth caught my eye and I saw a guy with her, laughing. She nudged him, and I felt like my heart was deflating. Matchmaking programs. I tore my eyes away from them and went to the arena stiffly. I set up a few dummies and tried not to hear the whispering.

I couldn't be losing the bet.

She loved me.

I slashed the dummy into half and took a deep breath.


"I understand why Annabeth doesn't like him."

the words froze me into that stop. Bile rose up in my throat.
I didn't understand. Why didn't she like me? I felt sick. I was doing something wrong. Frustrated, I kicked the remains of the dummy and left the arena.


The thermometer was somewhere between red and yellow.

I couldn't deny it. I was tired and sick of everything. All I got was stress from thinking about everything. I felt dizzy, so I layed down on my bed. The door was locked, and the bottle of pills looked more tempting by the moment. I paused. I just wanted to forget everything. This was just going round and round all over again.

We would fall.

I stumbled towards the bathroom and threw up my breakfast. I rinsed out my mouth and rummaged in the drawer. It was deep down. I read the discription, which took a long time to do. It was strong enough. This time, I didn't feel giddy as I poured them out. I remembered the pain they caused to me. Shaking, I poured 5 pills onto my palm.

It was going round and round again.

I dropped the bottle and they spilled to the groud.

Forget it.

I swallowed them, much more than 5. They were stronger than the ones I had before. The effects kicked in almost immediantly. I felt like I was flying- soaring up.

No pain.

How could that be? There was no way to avoid it. Half mad with pain and anger, I somehow cleaned up the mess. I bit my fingernails to stubs, knowing what would happen.

There was always an adverse side to everything.

I was shaking uncontrollably. What did I do? My choices always lead to despair.

I never wanted this.

I hauled myself to my bed and curled up. I felt no pain. I closed my eyes. No pain. If I just went to sleep like this. Sleep. I closed my eyes, but it wouldn't work. I was wide awake. I layed there for how long? Thirty minutes? Twenty? My abdomen throbbed as I curled up around myself. What have I done? Sleep. I wanted to sleep. I would be able to push away the reality. I sat up and took out the limited amount of pills, calmly this time. I swallowed them, and I felt my muscles tensing.

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