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He was used

To being all


His dad had

Never been there,

His mother moved

Out of the country,

His grandparents had

Already passed on,

And he didn't have

Any siblings.

He served in the Navy.

After his four years,

He came back and

Had no place to

Call home,

No one to welcome

Him into their

Familiar arms.

He moved to a small

College town,  where

He didn't know a

Single soul.  He

Attended the university

There and lived all


He had friends.

The ones he made

In the Navy

Scattered to all

Parts of the country.

The ones he knew

From high school

Moved on with

Their lives.

He reached out

To one girl,

Who was in many

Of his classes.

She had wanted

To talk to him,

But she had been too

Scared to make the

First move.

They began to talk

More and more,

And it wasn't long

Before a friendship

Was formed.

Then the girl

Wanted more,

And maybe the

Boy did as well.

But he had already

Made plans to

Move to a bigger city,

Where he felt like

He would belong.

So he packed up

His things and

Told her goodbye.

After all, he was

Used to being all


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