They Don't See

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Another drug addict dies

From the very thing that they live for.

They never want it to be that way

But it is what their life has become.

A man reads about the death in the

Morning paper as he sips his coffee.

"It's probably for the better,"

he comments to his wife. "We don't

Need anymore people like that in this world."

She nods in agreement and adds, "It's hard to

Feel bad when they do it to themselves."

A young woman walks into a

Family-owned restaurant,

Hoping to get a job to support her

And her small child.

The balding man greets her with a

Smile, but it quickly fades when he

Notices her lack of teeth.

He doesn't care that she is clean, and

Has been for over a year.

He doesn't care that she would have

Dentures and a nice smile soon.

She is turned a way with hardly

More than a glance.

It wasn't the first time either.

It's the continuous rejection,

The lack of stimulation, that causes

Her to reunite with old friends.

Everything starts off fine, but her

Friends lied when they said they were clean.

It isn't long before she loses all

Hope and starts up one more.

Her death is one of many in the

Morning paper a few months later.

People shake their heads and

Cluck their tongues at another

Hopeless drug addict who

Couldn't stay clean.

But none of them see

The bigger picture.

They don't see the trails of

People crying over her body as

They say their farewells.

They don't see the young, orphaned

Girl with big brown eyes trying to

Climb into the casket with the

Only parent she's ever known.

Even years later,

They don't see it.

They've already forgotten

About her death.

They don't see the young girl,

A little older now,

Lying on her mother's grave as

She wishes her happy birthday. 

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